International Polar Year – From Knowledge to Action

These podcasts and vodcasts feature International Polar Year success stories from across the country, bringing together researchers and participants to wrap-up all of the research conducted under International Polar Year.

Steve Kokelj
Steve Kokelj is an environmental scientist with Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada currently working for the Cumulative Impact Monitoring Program.
Duane Smith
Duane Smith is the President of the Inuit Circumpolar Council (Canada). ICC represents the interests of Inuit from Chukotka, Alaska, Canada and Greenland internationally.
Jennifer Provencher
Jennifer Provencher is a PhD student at Carleton University looking at how eider ducks are impacted by contaminants and parasites.
Max Friesen
Max Friesen is the Chair of the Polar Archaeology, an organization trying to figure out how to best preserve the archaeological record in the north.
Gail Fondahl
Gail Fondahl is the president of the International Arctic Social Sciences Association and discusses the rise of social sciences in Arctic research.
Gilles Gauthier
Gilles Gauthier shares the findings of a project looking at the effect of climate change on tundra wildlife and how researchers from seven circumpolar nations took a closer look at the Arctic food web.
Gita Ljubicic
Dr Gita Ljubicic is with the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies at Carleton University. As part of an International Polar Year research effort she talked to the people living in three Nunavut communities to learn about sea ice from the Inuit perspective.
Barry Smit
Barry Smit is Canada's Research Chair on Global Environmental Change, a professor of geography at the University of Guelph and the lead researcher on an international study of 20 communities across the circumpolar world documenting the ways in which northern peoples are adapting to changes in their environment.