Who we are and How we work

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) BC Region, is one of 10 regional offices in Canada working to fulfill AANDC's mandate. AANDC has primary, but not exclusive, responsibility for meeting the federal government's constitutional, treaty, political and legal responsibilities to First Nations, Inuit and Northerners. Our primary role is to assist First Nations and Inuit in developing healthy, sustainable communities and in achieving their economic and social aspirations.

At AANDC BC Region, our key objective is to fulfill our mandate within a unique BC context. Our planning approach enables us to build on and apply AANDC's mandate and foster sustainability in the BC region.

We firmly believe that engaging First Nations is fundamental to achieving our goals. We continue to seek First Nations input as part of our ongoing planning. For more information on our mandate, plans and approaches, we invite you to visit the links above.