Renewable Resources and Environment

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada promotes environmental protection and ecological sustainability, and is responsible for implementing innovative approaches for environmental stewardship and planning, while maintaining and strengthening partnerships with Aboriginal people and Northerners.

What is the department doing to manage the renewable resources and environment of the Northwest Territories?

In the NWT, the department manages the delivery of environmental programs; implements environmental management measures and operates an environmental laboratory. the department is also responsible for water resources onshore and offshore in the NWT, maintains a water quality network and conducts a number of water studies.

AANDC NT Region ensures that the requirements of the federal Canadian Environmental Assessment Act , the Canadian Environmental Protection Act , the Northwest Territories Waters Act and Regulations , and the Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act , are fulfilled by the department in the NWT. As well, they provide expert advice to the NWT Water Board and boards established pursuant to the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act ,  and the Inuvialuit Final Agreement .


NWT Protected Areas Strategy (PAS) - The NWT Protected Areas Strategy (PAS) aims to protect natural and cultural lands in the Northwest Territories. The PAS is built on a partnership between communities, governments, environmental groups and industry. PAS partners are actively working together to advance several areas towards long term protection using federal and territorial legislation, including National Wildlife Area, National Historic Site and Cultural Conservation Area (Territorial Parks Act) designations.

NWT Water Stewardship Strategy - The NWT Water Stewardship Strategy has been developed with the input of many parties. Publically released in May 2010, it sets out a common vision that the waters of the NWT will remain clean, abundant and productive for all time. Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada and the Government of the Northwest Territories have worked closely with Aboriginal government representatives to outline a number of actions that will help achieve this vision. To date, this initiative has been guided by a steering committee made up of representatives from Aboriginal, territorial and federal governments. There have also been a number of workshops, meetings and opportunities where industry and non-government agencies have also contributed to the Strategy. The next stage is implementation. A detailed Action Plan is currently being developed by water partners and is expected in be released in fall 2010. For more information or a copy of the NWT Water Stewardship Strategy, visit the Department of Environment and Natural Resources 

What information is available?

Water Resources
In this section, you will find information on how the department manages NWT onshore and offshore water resources, maintains a water quality network, conducts water-related research, provides information and expert advice, and develops guidelines and codes of practice for water resource management and monitoring.

Environment and Conservation
As well, you will find information on the department's role and responsibilities in NWT environmental assessments, environmental agreements, the Protected Areas Strategy, land use planning along with other environmentally-related programs and services.

Taiga Environmental Laboratory
Here you will find information on the NWT's only full-service analytical environmental laboratory, which performs a wide range of organic and inorganic chemical analyses on samples of water (freshwater, ground water, drinking water, industrial effluents, sewage) and soil.

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