
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) NT Region supports the education of Aboriginal peoples through a variety of First Nation and Inuit programs and services, and provides a number of educational resources to all Northerners.

How does AANDC help support education, and provide educational resources, in the Northwest Territories?

AANDC is committed to increasing the number of registered/treaty Indian and Inuit students living on and off reserve who graduate from accredited post-secondary education programs through various education-related programs, such as the University and College Entrance Preparation Program (UCEP). This program provides funding for registered Indian and Inuit individuals to enroll in post-secondary courses that will prepare them to enter a college or university program.

In order to continue to build and develop healthy, sustainable Northern communities and achieve economic and social development in the NWT, AANDC is committed to helping people understand its mandate. Through the PlainTalk: on land claims and self-government in the Northwest Territories newsletter, AANDC NT Region communicates the positive outcomes and impacts of NWT land and self-government agreements as they relate to the economic development and the quality of life of Aboriginal people and Northerners.


PlainTalk: on land claims and self-government in the Northwest Territories increases understanding and support for NWT land claim and self-government negotiation progress, settlements, and milestones through its plain language of such complex topics. PlainTalk has informed Northerners since 2000! All current and archived PlainTalk newsletters are available on the AANDC website.

What Information is Available?

In this section you will find more information on education programs supported by AANDC, such as UCEP and PlainTalk.

Past issues of PlainTalk have covered such topics as the Tlicho Agreement, improving land and resource management in the NWT, and the Mackenzie Gas Project.

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