NWT Plain Talk

The purpose of our newsletter is to keep you informed on the progress of land and self-government negotiations in the Northwest Territories, and to provide some answers to frequently asked questions. We also feature the people and communities involved in negotiations, celebrate milestones, and announce upcoming events.

Latest Newsletters

Devolution Edition In this Issue:

  • The Story of NWT Devolution
  • What is the Agreement-in-Principle?
  • The Face of Devolution: Making the People Who Provide the Services a Priority
  • Canada’s Objectives
  • AiP Highlights
  • Getting to a Final Devolution Agreement
  • From Paper to Reality: The Important Task of Implementation
  • Devolution Q&A
  • What devolution negotiations are not about

Archived Newsletters


Spring 2011 In this Issue:

  • Respecting rights and doing good business
  • What is the Crown’s duty to consult?
  • Government of Canada Action Plan on consultation and engagement
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Where can you find more information?
  • Map of existing agreements and current negotiations


Winter 2010 In this Issue:

  • Tlicho Government Celebrates Five Years
  • An overview and update: Self-government negotiations in the Sahtu
  • A treaty-making timeline for the NWT

Spring 2010 In this Issue:

  • Implementation - An Evolving Relationship
  • Historic Treaties & Modern Treaties
  • The CLCA Path - from Negotiations to Implementation... and Beyond
  • What’s Been Done So Far?
  • Measuring Success - Evaluating Land Claims Implementation
  • Where Can You Find More Information?


Winter 2009 In this issue:

  • Land and Resource Negotiations Update
  • Current Negotiations Tables
  • The language of Negotiations

Fall 2009 In this issue:

  • Young People Take an Interest in Negotiations
  • Who represents Canada in negotiations and how do they do it?
  • Negotiation Questions from Grade 9 students in Fort Liard
  • What is a Chief Federal Negotiator?

Environmental Issue In this issue:

  • Water Resources - A Healthy Future
  • The Environmental Stewardship Framework
  • What about the NWT's Transboundary Water?
  • Cumulative Impact Monitoring
  • Technicians in Training


Winter 2008 In this Issue:

  • Nahanni Park Expansion
  • International Polar Year
  • Section 35 Consultation
  • Meet the new faces of INAC: Minister Strahl and Regional Director General, Trish Merrithew-Mercredi


Spring 2007 In this issue:

  • Message from the Minister
  • A New system for a Growing Territory
  • Recommendations for Change
  • The Auditor General’s Report
  • The Time is Right!
  • Taking Action
  • The Plan


Winter 2006 In this issue:

  • Akaitcho Interim Land Withdrawals
  • NWT Boards Share Land, Water and Resource Information
  • Profiles: Rick Bennett and Bob Simpson
  • Translating Northern Development: Yellowknife Youth
  • Forum on the Mackenzie Gas Project


Fall 2005 In this issue:

  • The New Tlicho Government
  • What Happens Now?
  • Tlicho Wek’eezhii Board in Operations
  • New Direction for Beaufort-Delta Community Consultation
  • Presenting to Youth on Tomorrow’s Self-Government

Summer 2005 In this issue:

  • Denendeh - Land of the People
  • Commemorative Dates
  • The New Tlicho Government

Spring 2005 In this issue:

  • Tlicho's Journey through the Legislative Process
  • A Piece of the Puzzle
  • Profile: Kevan Flood
  • The Tulita Signing
  • The Tlicho Act’s Royal Assent

Winter 2005 In this issue:

  • Mapping Project Reveals Gameti's Past
  • Mapping the Big Picture
  • Current Negotiations with Aboriginal Groups Map
  • Finalized Aboriginal Agreements Map


Fall 2004 Resource and Environment Edition:

  • Resource management regions at a glance
  • Understanding “the Boards”
  • Aboriginal participation in environmental management
  • Pipeline Readiness Office (PRO)
  • What is PRO doing for your community?
  • Proposed Pipeline Route
  • Geoscience support negotiations and planning

Summer 2004 In this issue:

  • School of Community Government: Building capacity for a changing territory
  • Measuring up: School of Community Government offers Occupational Standards & Certification
  • Made-in-the-NWT training: A program for community government administrative assistants

Spring 2004 In this issue:

  • Plain Talk on how communities can benefit from Resource Development Activities
  • The latest buzz on the Net: a site for students and teachers


Year in Review 2003 Year in Review:

  • A watershed year for land and self-government negotiations in the NWT
  • Beaufort-Delta Self-Government Negotiations
  • Déline Self-Government Negotiations
  • Tlicho Negotiations
  • Deh Cho Process Negotiations
  • Akaitcho (NWT Treaty 8) Negotiations
  • Northwest Territory Métis Nation Process

Fall 2003 In this issue:

  • Tlicho Agreement represents what is best about Canada
  • Tlicho signing steeped in history
  • Tlicho Agreement map
  • At a Glance: What's in the Tlicho Agreement?
  • Northwest Territory Métis Nation (NWTMN) interim measures pre-screening process
  • Feast and dance mark signing of Déline Self-Government Agreement-in-Principle

Spring 2003 In this issue:

  • Threads of History: Gwich'in seamstresses bring ancient craft to life
  • A time to celebrate and to look forward: Making history in the NWT
  • Gwich'in and Inuvialuit: Returning decision-making to the Beaufort-Delta
  • The Negotiation Process
  • Deh Cho: Interim agreements balance economic development with land protection

Winter 2003 In this issue:

  • Plain Talk gets a tune up
  • Closing the circle: Tlicho sign overlap agreements with Deh Cho and Akaitcho
  • Bringing self-government into people's homes
  • On the ground in the Deh Cho

Deh Cho Special Edition In this issue:

  • Breaking new ground to find common ground
  • Understanding the Interim Resource Development Agreement (IRDA)
  • Protecting land and water in the Deh Cho


November 2002 In this issue:

  • Dogrib Treaty 11, Canada & GNWT Initial Historic Tlicho Agreement
  • Information Exchange Period for Tlicho Agreement
  • What happens next?
  • On the road to Devolution
  • Deh Cho Process - Building a Better Future Together

August 2002 In this issue:

  • Salt River First Nation Signs Historic Agreement
  • South Slave Métis Sign Interim Measures Agreement
  • Next Steps toward Dogrib Final Agreement
  • Beaufort-Delta Self-Government Agreement-in-Principle Update
  • Chronology of the Dogrib Treaty 11 Negotiations
  • Devolution Update

March 2002 In this issue:

  • Treaty Days - the Tradition Continues
  • Salt River First Nation Votes in Favour of Settlement
  • Treaty Days: The Tradition Continues
  • Intergovernmental Forum leaders meet in Fort Simpson
  • A Joint Approach to Economic Development, Road Maintenance Project creates Twenty-two Jobs


December 2001 In this issue:

  • Salt River First Nation votes on settlement
  • Moving forward on the Governance Initiative
  • Beaufort-Delta Self-government Agreement Initialed
  • Profile: Vince Teddy

March 2001 In this issue:

  • Devolution – supporting social, economic, and political development of the NWT
  • Upcoming Intergovernmental Forum
  • Armchair Discussion with Bob Overvold on Devolution
  • Devolution and Resource Revenue – Sharing: Moving Interest into Action


October 2000 In this issue:

  • Meeting aspirations for self-government in the NWT
  • In the NWT, five Aboriginal groups are negotiating self-government right now
  • Portrait of a Celebration
  • Profile: Danny Gaudet
  • Akaitcho Territory Dene Chiefs Sign Framework Agreement
  • The Negotiation Process

August 2000 In this issue:

  • Welcome back to the second edition of Plain Talk
  • First Intergovernmental Forum: Aboriginal, territorial and federal leaders talk about issues important to all people of the Northwest Territories
  • Treaty #8 Centenary Commemoration - Celebrating 100 years!
  • Profile: Delia Opekokew
  • Negotiations under way with Salt River First Nation
  • Events Around the North
  • Final Agreement reached with Smith's Landing

April 2000 In this issue:

  • First issue of Plain Talk
  • What's the difference between land and self-government negotiations?
  • The negotiation process
  • Settled land claims in the NWT
  • Profile: John Gill
  • Agreement-in-Principle reached with Dogrib