Contact Us

By Telephone

Use our main phone number to reach any program or service. In Whitehorse, call us at 667-3888.

Outside of Whitehorse, call us toll-free at 1-800-661-0451.

By Mail

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) Yukon Region
Room 415C
300 Main Street
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 2B5

By Fax

Use our main fax number to reach any program or service: 867-667-3801

In Person

AANDC Yukon's main office is located in downtown Whitehorse in the Elijah Smith Building at 300 Main Street:

  • Main Office – Our reception area is in Room 415C
  • Client Services - Please visit Room 122 if you want information on Income Assistance, Post Secondary Education, Status Cards or general information on social and education programs

By e-Mail

The AANDC Yukon Region has a general mailbox at Contact information for individual staff can be found using the Government of Canada's Electronic Directory Service.