The Environment

Our Environment office has a broad mandate related to environmental management in the Yukon.

Abandoned Mines Clean-up
We work with the Government of Yukon to clean up and close large mines Type II mines. There are seven Type II mines identified in the Devolution Transfer Agreement. Currently we are remediating four of these mines.

Waste Sites Clean-up
We are responsible for cleaning up over 950 waste sites in the Yukon. The Waste Management Program is reducing the negative impact of these sites on the health of Yukoners and the environment.

Northern Contaminants Program
Our goal is to reduce contaminants that make their way into the food chain and into traditional country foods. We monitor contaminants in fish, game and vegetation, and we analyse their potential impact on human health. This information supports the negotiation of international agreements that reduce these contaminants.

Environmental Stewardship
Our team ensures that AANDC meets its environmental obligations under the Yukon Environmental and Socio-Economic Assessment Act (YESAA) and other federal laws. We also work with First Nations to encourage environmental stewardship. We fund climate change programs and support northern scientific research like the International Polar Year (IPY) and Climate Change initiatives.

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