About Us

Governance Directorate

Our Governance Directorate manages intergovernmental and fiscal relations with self-governing Yukon First Nations and the Government of Yukon, as well as relations with Indian Act First Nations. It also manages federal land claim and self-government implementation obligations and negotiations. In addition, the Governance Directorate delivers capacity programming and governance related programs.

Intergovernmental Affairs

Our Intergovernmental Affairs unit helps build and maintain relations between the Government of Canada, the Government of Yukon, Self-Governing Yukon First Nations, First Nations governed by the Indian Act, the Council of Yukon First Nations, and other First Nation organizations. This unit also delivers grants and contributions programming

Negotiations and Implementation

Our Negotiations and Implementation unit works with other parties to implement final and self-government agreements. We also coordinate with other federal departments to help meet the Government of Canada’s obligations under these agreements.

Programs and Resources

Contact Governance

Room 415C, Elijah Smith Building (300 Main Street), Whitehorse
Phone: 867-667-3888
Toll free: 1-800-661-0451


Environment Directorate

Our Environment team manages environmental programs, develops environmental policy and oversees federal northern environmental interests. We collaborate with our partners – including Government of Yukon, First Nation governments and other federal departments – to meet our environmental responsibilities and challenges.

Programs and Activities

Contact Environment:

419 Range Road, Second Floor, Whitehorse
Phone: 867-667-3868
Toll free: 1-800-661-0451


Strategic Investments Directorate

We promote individual and community well-being by delivering programs and working with other governments and organizations. We offer a range of services and funding to registered status First Nations people and First Nations governments. We also deliver programs for status First Nations individuals in the Yukon and northern British Columbia.

Programs and Services

Can’t Find What You Want?

Many of our past services are now delivered by self-governing Yukon First Nations. If you can’t find a program or service here, please contact your First Nation directly.

Contact Strategic Investments:

Room 415C, Elijah Smith Building (300 Main Street), Whitehorse
Phone: 867-667-3888
Toll free: 1-800-661-0451