Sectors and Regions

Organization and Responsibilities

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) is responsible for two mandates, Indian and Inuit Affairs and Northern Development, which together support Canada's Aboriginal and northern peoples in the pursuit of healthy and sustainable communities and broad economic and social development objectives.

The Department is divided into 9 sectors and 10 regions, as illustrated in the diagram below.

Organization chart of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada Deputy Minister Associate Deputy Minister Treaties and Aboriginal Government Policy and Strategic Direction Education and Social Development, Programs and Partnerships Chief Financial Officer Lands and Economic Development Resolution and Individual Affairs Regional Operations Northern Affairs Organization Communications Human Resources and Workplace Services Audit and Evaluation Sector Corporate Secretariat Legal Services Indian Oil and Gas Canada - External Link Regional Offices

See below for a list of responsibilities by sector:

Audit and Evaluation Sector

  • Assessment, Investigation, Audit and Assurance Services
  • Risk assessment and management
  • Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review
  • Liaison with the Office of the Auditor General and Office of the Comptroller General
  • AADNC Audit and Evaluation Committee

Chief Financial Officer

  • Departmental finances and resources
  • Departmental information management and information technology
  • Departmental assets, materiel and procurement

Communication Branch

  • Media Relations
  • Public Outreach
  • National Aboriginal Day
  • Communication Products and Events
  • Web and multimedia

Corporate Secretariat

  • Portfolio coordination
  • Access to Information and Privacy
  • Executive and Ministerial services
  • Indian and Inuit Art program
  • Values and ethics, conflict of interest, post-employment
  • Conflict resolution services
  • Workplace disclosures and allegations and complaints
  • Staff Ombudsman services

Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships

  • Education Policy and Programs including the development and implementation of a new First Nations Education Act
  • Social Policy and Programs
  • Partnerships, especially with regard to Education and Social Policies and Programs

Human Resources and Workplace Services

  • Human resources management
  • Accommodation and telecommunication management
  • Security and emergency management

Lands and Economic Development

  • Economic opportunities
  • Employment opportunities
  • Pan-Aboriginal framework & strategy
  • Business development
  • Lands registry
  • First Nation Land Management Initiative
  • Additions to Reserve and Land Titles
  • Indian Oil and Gas Canada
  • Environment

Legal Services

  • Legal Services to provide specialized legal advice and support core
  • departmental initiatives, policies and programs

Northern Affairs Organization

  • Natural resources & environment
  • Northern oil & gas
  • Northern governance
  • Circumpolar affairs

Policy and Strategic Direction

  • Federal/Provincial/Territorial and International relations
  • Management of Constitutional issues
  • Cabinet, legislative, parliamentary and regulatory affairs
  • Policy development and approvals
  • Short/medium/long term policies
  • Women's issues and gender equality
  • Litigation
  • Departmental planning

Regional Operations

  • Delivery of national and regional programs and services (7 regions)
  • Emergency planning and crisis management
  • Governance
  • Community infrastructure operations

Resolution and Individual Affairs

  • Indian Registrar
  • Monies and Estates
  • Indian Residential Schools Resolution

Treaties and Aboriginal Government

  • Negotiations of claims and self-government
  • Treaty Commissions
  • Claims settlement
  • Implementation of claims
  • Funding and fiscal arrangements