Economic Development

Supporting Aboriginal Economic development is an important part of what we do at Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC). Increasing Aboriginal participation in the economy is one way we are working to improve the well-being and quality of life of Aboriginal people in Canada, ensuring Canada's future economic prosperity.

What is AANDC doing to promote economic development?

AANDC is the lead department responsible for carrying out the Government of Canada's Federal Framework for Aboriginal Economic Development. Released in June 2009, the Framework represents a fundamental change to how the federal government supports Aboriginal economic development. The Framework uses a modern and comprehensive approach to seize opportunities and build strategic partnerships with Aboriginal groups, the private sector, and the provinces and territories. The expected outcomes of our strategies are opportunity-ready Aboriginal communities, viable Aboriginal businesses and a skilled Aboriginal workforce.

Strengthening Aboriginal Entrepreneurship

A more business friendly climate on reserve and in the North along with improved access to capital and other business opportunities will strengthen entrepreneurship.

Developing Aboriginal Human Capital

Supporting demand-driven labour market development will build human capital. AANDC works to increase First Nation, Inuit and Métis participation in the workforce across Canada. This benefits Aboriginal individuals, families, communities, employers and the Canadian economy as a whole. Find out more about our education and employment programs and Human Resources and Skills Development Canada's Aboriginal Labour Market Programs.

Enhancing the Value of Aboriginal Assets

Aligning federal investments with viable economic opportunities, better management of business and community assets, and a modern lands/resource management regime will help to enhance the value of assets. Find out more about lands.

Forging New and Effective Partnerships

Promoting partnerships with the provinces and territories as well as the private sector will ensure long-term, sustainable economic development. AANDC provides funding to community organizations for economic development projects and local service delivery. The Department also encourages the private and public sectors to employ First Nations, Métis and Inuit people, and promotes the use of Aboriginal businesses for federal government supplies and services.


What Information is Available?

In this section, find information about the Federal Framework for Aboriginal Economic Development, the Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business (PSAB), AANDC's community economic development programs, and training and financial support for Aboriginal businesses. Also, you can see video vignettes of success stories in Aboriginal communities, and businesses demonstrating real progress in economic development.

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