Stay Connected

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) uses a variety of social media tools to help you stay connected with the work of the Department. AANDC does not endorse any particular social media site or tool.

More details about the Department's use of social media tools can be found in the AANDC social media protocol.

Facebook Icon
Visit the Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada Facebook page to learn about programs and initiatives, upcoming events, and interesting content relevant to Aboriginal people and Northerners.

Check out the Nutrition North Canada Facebook page for information and discussion related to the Government of Canada's food subsidy program for eligible isolated northern communities.

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Find photos of events and ministerial announcements, as well as other images relevant to the work of the Department, on AANDC's Flickr account.
Twitter Icon
Follow the AANDC Twitter account to get the latest media advisories and news releases, information about programs and initiatives, and other content relevant to Aboriginal people and Northerners.

Follow the Nutrition North Canada Twitter account for information related to the Government of Canada's food subsidy program for eligible isolated northern communities.

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Watch videos on the AANDC YouTube channel that showcase the success of First Nations, Inuit, Métis and Northern communities and highlight the work of the Department.

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Listen to podcasts from AANDC to hear interviews and stories focusing on Aboriginal peoples and Northerners.
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