Regulatory Cooperation Council

Canada's Environment Minister, the Honourable Peter Kent, announced that, in order to provide cleaner air to Canadians, the Government of Canada intends to align its transportation-related air pollution emission standards with the more stringent United States proposed Tier 3 standards.

Harper Government Moves to Strengthen Regulations on Air Pollution to Provide Cleaner Air to Canadians

As partners in the largest bilateral trading relationship in the world, and as part of highly integrated supply chains, individual Canadian and American firms move tens of thousands of shipments of goods back and forth across our shared border on a daily basis to access each other’s market.

2012 Progress Report to Leaders

The Action Plan on Perimeter Security and Economic competitiveness focuses on four areas of cooperation: addressing threats early; facilitating trade, economic growth and jobs; integrating cross-border law enforcement; and improving critical infrastructure and cyber-security.

Canada and U.S. Agree on Joint Action Plans to Boost Security, Trade and Travel

Prime Minister Stephen Harper and U.S. President Barack Obama today issued a Declaration on a Shared Vision for Perimeter Security and Economic Competitiveness.

PM and U.S. President Obama Announce Shared Vision for Perimeter Security and Economic Competitiveness Between Canada and the United States
  • Harper Government Moves to Strengthen Regulations on Air Pollution to Provide Cleaner Air to Canadians1
  • 2012 Progress Report to Leaders2
  • Canada and U.S. Agree on Joint Action Plans to Boost Security, Trade and Travel3
  • PM and U.S. President Obama Announce Shared Vision for Perimeter Security and Economic Competitiveness Between Canada and the United States4

Regulatory Cooperation Council

On February 4, 2011, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and United States President Barack Obama announced the creation of the Canada-United States Regulatory Cooperation Council (RCC) to better align the two countries’ regulatory approaches, where possible. [More...]

Photo - Agriculture and Food

Bilateral trade in Agriculture and Food between Canada and the U.S. has enabled both countries’ citizens to enjoy a reliable supply of some of the safest and highest quality food in the world.

Photo - A truck at the border

The RCC Joint Action Plan focuses regulatory reform efforts on surface, marine, and general transportation issues.

Photo - Scenery

Canada and the U.S. have a long history of collaborating on joint environmental challenges, from the shared stewardship of trans-boundary waters to the protection of migratory wildlife.

Photo - Scientist

Collaboration between the regulatory agencies will reduce costs for manufacturers of pharmaceutical and therapeutic products and improve the efficiency of the regulatory decision making process.


The RCC Joint Action Plan proposes to share information and develop joint Canada-U.S. approaches on regulatory aspects of nanomaterials.

Photo - Group of business people around a boardroom table

The RCC Joint Action Plan includes a cross-sectoral initiative that builds on both Canada and the United States’ respective work in reducing the regulatory burden on small businesses.

Regulatory Cooperation Council Blog

  • 07 January, 2013

    The Canada-United States Regulatory Cooperation Council progress report was released on December 14, 2012. It outlines progress that has been made on advancing overall regulatory cooperation with the United States, and also on individual Joint Action Plan items.

  • 14 December, 2012

    Released today, the first annual Beyond the Border Action Plan Implementation Report and the Canada-U.S. Regulatory Cooperation Council Joint Action Plan Progress Report demonstrate real and concrete progress on two major initiatives of Canada’s Economic Action Plan.

  • 23 April, 2012

    Canadian businesses need access to key export markets in order to take advantage of new opportunities. Over the past six years, Canada has concluded free trade agreements with nine countries as well as foreign investment promotion and protection agreements with ten countries.