Harper Government, Government of NWT and Aboriginal Parties Sign Final Devolution Agreement

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In this photo: Left to Right (front row) Minister Bernard Valcourt (Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada), Premier Bob MacLeod (Premier of the Northwest Territories)

Left to Right (back row) William Koe (Chief, Fort McPherson), Duane Smith (President, Inuit Circumpolar Council Canada), Robert A. Alexie (President, Gwichin Tribal Council), Charlie Football (Chief, Wekweti), Clifford Daniels (Chief, Behchoko), James Heron (Chief Negotiator, Northwest Territory Metis Nation), Nellie Cournoyea (Chair and CEO, Inuvialuit Regional Corporation), Garry Bailey (President, NWT Metis Nation), Paul Komaromi (Policy Regional Affairs Advisor, AANDC), Michael Miltenberger (Minister of Finance / Chairman of the Financial Management Board / Minister of Environment and Natural Resources / Minister Responsible for the Northwest Territories Power Corporation/Government House Leader)

Full Press Release