Canada and Tsuu T'ina Nation Reach Final Agreement on Historic Claims

Image 1: Signing documents for Glenmore Reservoir specific claims settlements ceremony at Tsuu T'ina Nation council chambers.

Specific claims deal with the past grievances of First Nations. These grievances relate to Canada's obligations under historic treaties or the way it managed First Nation funds or assets. Learn more about specific claims on AANDC's website.

Read more about this historic settlement with the Tsuu T'ina Nation.

Image 2: Tsuu T'ina Nation Chief Roy Whitney-Onespot and Minister Bernard Valcourt enjoying a funny moment during signing ceremony for Glenmore Reservoir specific claims settlements.

Specific claims deal with the past grievances of First Nations. These grievances relate to Canada's obligations under historic treaties or the way it managed First Nation funds or assets. Learn more about specific claims on AANDC's website.

Read more about this historic settlement with the Tsuu T'ina Nation.

Image 3: Tsuu T'ina Nation Chief Roy Whitney-Onespot and Minister Valcourt signing ceremonial documents for Glenmore Reservoir specific claims settlements.

Specific claims deal with the past grievances of First Nations. These grievances relate to Canada's obligations under historic treaties or the way it managed First Nation funds or assets. Learn more about specific claims on AANDC's website.

Read more about this historic settlement with the Tsuu T'ina Nation.

Image 4: Minister Valcourt presenting Tsuu T'ina Nation Chief Roy Whitney-Onespot with gift at signing ceremony. The gift was a wood carving of a beaver made by artist Denis Dubé of St. Roch des Aulnaies, QC.

Specific claims deal with the past grievances of First Nations. These grievances relate to Canada's obligations under historic treaties or the way it managed First Nation funds or assets. Learn more about specific claims on AANDC's website.

Read more about this historic settlement with the Tsuu T'ina Nation.

Image 5: Minister Valcourt receiving a blanket as a gift from Tsuu T'ina Nation during the signing ceremony for Glenmore Reservoir Specific Claims Settlements.

Specific claims deal with the past grievances of First Nations. These grievances relate to Canada's obligations under historic treaties or the way it managed First Nation funds or assets. Learn more about specific claims on AANDC's website.

Read more about this historic settlement with the Tsuu T'ina Nation.