Nunavut Day

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Image 1: AANDC Minister Bernard Valcourt poses with Inuit Elder Alicee Joamie at Nunavut Day

Image 2: AANDC Minister Bernard Valcourt with Inuit Elder Alicee Joamie at Nunavut Day

Image 3: AANDC Minister Bernard Valcourt with dignitaries in Iqaluit at Nunavut Day 2013

Image 4: The crowd goes wild at Nunavut Day 2013!

Image 5: The unveiling of the Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. 20th Anniversary Nunavut Land Claims Agreement monument

Image 6: Nunavut Day Kids Games

Image 7: Traditional Inuit clothing at Nunavut Day

Image 8: Inuit Children at Nunavut Day

Image 9: Nunavut Day Face Painting

Image 10: Nunavut Day Face Painting Station

Image 11: Nunavut Day Kids Games

Image 12: AANDC Minister Bernard Valcourt address the crowd at Nunavut Day

Every year on July 9, residents of Nunavut celebrate Nunavut Day which marks the creation of the territory of Nunavut in 1993. Hundreds of people attend community feasts featuring country foods, such as caribou, fish, seal, tea and bannock; and traditional Inuit activities, such as throat singing, square dancing, fiddle music, games, and traditional competitions.