e-Bulletin, Issue 6 - July 2010

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Progress Report on Aboriginal Issues 2009-2010

INAC, in collaboration with other federal departments, has prepared a report on the Government of Canada's progress in addressing Aboriginal issues. A Progress Report on Aboriginal Initiatives from the Government of Canada (2009-2010) focuses on new and key activities between April 1, 2009, and March 31, 2010, including a summary of the achievements and investments made under the first year of Canada's Economic Action Plan. Read the Progress Report.

National Aboriginal Day 2010 Celebrations

Once again, many successful National Aboriginal Day celebrations were held across Canada. This year, Minister Strahl attended a wreath-laying ceremony at the War Memorial in Ottawa on June 21st, an event organized by the Department of National Defence to remember Aboriginal veterans. Visit the new INAC YouTube channel   to watch a National Aboriginal Day video, as well as Aboriginal success story vignettes.

First Nations Certainty of Land Title Act Receives Royal Assent

On June 30th, Bill C-24, the First Nations Certainty of Land Title Act, passed through Parliament with unanimous support from all parties. The bill amends the First Nations Commercial and Industrial Development Act to allow on-reserve commercial real estate projects to benefit from greater certainty of title. Read the News Release.

Canada and Yukon Agree to Fund Marwell Remediation

On June 29th, Minister Strahl and the Honourable John Edzerza, Minister of Environment for the Government of Yukon, announced an agreement to fund the remediation of the Marwell Tar Pit in Whitehorse, the largest hydro-carbon contaminated site in Yukon. The 10-year-long project is estimated to cost $6.8 million; Canada will fund 70 per cent (to a maximum of $4.76 million) and Yukon will fund 30 per cent. Read the News Release.

Haida Gwaii Name Restored

In a June 16th statement, Minister Strahl offered congratulations to the Haida Nation on the official renaming of the Queen Charlotte Islands, located in British Columbia, to Haida Gwaii. Read the News Release.

Minister Strahl Speaks at the First Truth and Reconciliation National Event

In Winnipeg on June 16th, at the first of seven national Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) events, Minister Strahl spoke about the importance of the TRC gatherings, highlighting how these events are bringing people together in a spirit of reconciliation and engagement. Read the Speech.

Government of Canada Continues to Support Strengthened and Renewed Relationships with Aboriginal People

On June 16th, while speaking at the first Truth and Reconciliation National Event, Minister Strahl announced the Government's intention to repeal old provisions of the Indian Act that provide the authority to establish Indian Residential Schools and remove children from their homes and communities. Read the News Release.

Minister Visits Moscow, Russia, and Oslo, Norway

  • On June 11th, Minister Strahl spoke to participants at a Canadian-Norwegian Business Association meeting in Oslo, Norway. Read the Speech.
  • In Oslo on June 9th, Minister Strahl delivered a keynote address to delegates of the International Polar Year (IPY) Science Conference. The Government of Canada's support for IPY includes working with Arctic researchers to improve the communities of the North. Read the News Release. Read the Speech.
  • In Moscow on June 4th, Minister Strahl met with Russian and Canadian business leaders to discuss the importance of the Government of Canada's collaborative, strategic approach to economic and social development in the North. Read the News Release. Read the Speech.

Government of Canada Announces Completion of a Multi-Unit Housing Project at the Kettle and Stony Point First Nation

On June 11th, Minister Strahl congratulated the Chippewas of Kettle and Stony Point First Nation on the opening of its innovative six-unit housing development, one of 13 multi-unit housing developments being funded under CEAP on-reserve housing initiative in Ontario. Read the News Release.

The Second Anniversary of the Historic Residential Schools Apology

To mark the second anniversary of the historic apology to former students of Indian Residential Schools, Minister Strahl released a statement on June 11th. Read the Statement.

Engagement Process on Renovation of Aboriginal Economic Development Programs

On June 10th, Minister Strahl announced the launch of engagement sessions to obtain input about how to improve the Department's Aboriginal economic development programs. Until November 2010, INAC will lead a series of national and regional engagement sessions focused on obtaining input from key individuals and organizations with direct experience in Aboriginal land management, community economic development and business development. Read the News Release.

Government of Canada Announces New Funding to Expand Reserve Land and Environment Management Program

On May 27th, Minister Strahl announced that approximately $9 million will be provided annually over the next four years to upgrade the Reserve Land and Environment Management Program from a pilot program to a fully expanded training and capacity building program. Read the News Release.


Regional Focus: Quebec

Minister Strahl visits Quebec Region

On July 6th and 7th, Minister Strahl visited Quebec City and Chisasibi, where he made three important announcements:

  • Canada, Quebec and First Nations of Quebec Sign a Framework Agreement on Income Assistance
    With the Government of Québec and the Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador, Minister Strahl announced that they had reached a tripartite framework agreement to improve the administration of income assistance in First Nations communities. Read the News Release.

  • Government of Canada Invests in Major Infrastructure Projects for First Nations Communities in Quebec
    In Quebec, Minister Strahl announced investments planned under Canada's Economic Action Plan  . More than $50 million is being invested in projects that will lead to extensive construction throughout First Nation communities, including the renovation and construction of drinking water and wastewater systems, the renovation and expansion of schools, construction of housing projects and lot development, multi-unit housing construction, home renovations and property transfers. Read the News Release.

  • Land Claim Agreement with the Crees of Eeyou Istchee
    In Chisasibi, Minister Strahl signed an official agreement between Canada, the Crees of Quebec and Nunavut. This agreement provides certainty with respect to ownership and use of lands and natural resources in the Eeyou Marine Region. Read the News Release.

Seigneury of Lake of Two Mountains Specific Land Claim of the Mohawks of Kanesatake

Minister Strahl announced the appointment of Fred Caron as Chief Federal Negotiator for negotiations on the Mohawks of Kanesatake's Seigneury of Lake of Two Mountains specific claim. Read the News Release.

Anishinabe First Nation of Lac Simon, Quebec, Celebrates Rebuilding of Vital Community Roadway

Work to rebuild Boulevard Cicip, located in the Algonquin community of Lac Simon, Quebec, is nearing completion. This road is the community's main thoroughfare and links the Lac Simon reserve to provincial Highway 117, providing the community with a safe access road. INAC's contribution of $1.7 million to this project was made under the First Nations Infrastructure Fund (FNIF). Read the News Release.

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