e-Bulletin, Issue 2 - January 2010

Did you miss the first edition of the e-Bulletin in December 2009? If so, you can read it in the INAC media room


Land Claims Progress in Ontario

On January 25th, Minister Strahl and Chief Bryan LaForme of the Mississaugas of the New Credit (MNC) First Nation announced a major breakthrough in claims talks. Canada has made an offer to settle the Brant Tract and the Toronto Purchase specific claims. The First Nation has agreed to take this settlement offer to its members for a vote. The proposed settlement includes $145 million in financial compensation to resolve both claims. Read the News Release.

On January 18th, Canada tabled a settlement offer with the Caldwell First Nation which has agreed to take this offer to its members for a vote. The proposed settlement includes $105 million in financial compensation to resolve the claim. Read the News Release.

On January 11th, Minister Strahl attended the opening of the Algonquin Consultation Office in Pembroke where he congratulated the Algonquins of Ontario for opening the office and for their unique approach to consultation. This new consultation office will provide an environment in which development and consultation issues can be addressed away from the negotiating table. Read the Speech.

Moose Deer Point First Nation in Ontario to Benefit from New Water Treatment Plant

Moose Deer Point First Nation will benefit from the construction of a new water system, thanks to Canada's Economic Action Plan. The start of construction was celebrated on January 15th. Read the News Release.


  • On January 19th, Jack R. Williams was re-appointed, for a three-year term, as a member of the Inuvialuit Arbitration Board.

  • On January 15th, Ms. Nellie T. Kusugak was appointed to the position of Deputy Commissioner of Nunavut.

Minister Strahl, Provincial Ministers and Métis Leaders Meet to Discuss Métis Economic Development in Calgary

On December 15th, Minister Strahl met with Métis leaders and organizations to discussed the challenges and opportunities of fostering Métis-specific economic development initiatives and programs. Read the News Release.

Update on Impact of Canada's Economic Action Plan Released

The Department issued on December 17th Implementing Canada's Economic Action Plan: Impacts for Aboriginal and Northern Communities, an update on the implementation of Aboriginal and Northern investments under Canada's Economic Action Plan (CEAP). Unlike previous versions, the December report also provides an overview of select Northern initiatives under CEAP and information on programs of general application from which Aboriginal peoples are also benefitting. While this report is produced by INAC, it is the result of collaboration among many departments.

Whitecap Dakota First Nation Economic Development Partnerships: A First Nation Success Story

Whitecap Dakota First Nation demonstrates the importance of establishing solid partnerships with neighbouring communities to support mutually beneficial economic plans such as the Dakota Dunes Golf Course and the Dakota Dunes Casino. Watch the vignette.

National Aboriginal Day Funding Request Deadline Approaching

To apply for NAD funding under the Celebrate Canada! program, watch the Canadian Heritage website   for information.

Celebrate the Year of the Métis in 2010

On December 10th, parliament unanimously passed a motion to commemorate 2010 as the Year of the Métis in recognition of the 125th anniversary of the historic events of 1885 in Saskatchewan and in recognition and celebration of the invaluable contributions of the Métis Nation across Canada which have enriched the lives of all Canadians socially, economically, politically and culturally.

Four Host First Nations Society Olympic Welcome

With less than two weeks until the opening of the 2010 Olympics, the Four Host First Nations Society has launched a Welcome video on YouTube. Watch the video .

Regional Focus: Manitoba

In each issue of the e-Bulletin, a different region will be highlighted in the Regional Focus section.

Fisher River First Nation Cottage Lots

The Government of Canada is providing approximately $992,000 over two years, through Indian and Northern Affairs Canada's Community Economic Opportunity Program (CEOP), to the Fisher River Cree Nation for a new cottage development that will present new economic and job opportunities for the community. Federal and provincial governments are partnering with the First Nation on the project, which will see the development of 88 cottage lots along lake-front property on the west side of Lake Winnipeg. Read the Media Release.

MOU on Emergency Services

In October 2009, the Government of Canada and the Province of Manitoba announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that marks another step forward in improving the delivery of emergency management programs in First Nation communities. The MOU describes an agreement in principle to have the Manitoba Emergency Organization provide services to First Nation communities within provincial boundaries on behalf of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. Read the Media Release.

LOU on Education

The Government of Canada, the Government of Manitoba and First Nations in Manitoba, represented by the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak (MKO) and the Southern Chiefs Organization, have signed a Letter of Understanding (LOU) on education to work together to help First Nation students in Manitoba fulfill their learning potential. Read the full Media Release.

Progress on School Infrastructure Projects

In 2009, the Government supported education infrastructure needs of First Nations in Manitoba, including:

Little Black River First Nation

After two years of construction, the Little Black River First Nation opened its doors for students from kindergarten through grade 12. In October, a grand opening was held to celebrate the completion of the school. INAC contributed $14.5 million to this school, which has a 242 student capacity.

St. Theresa Point First Nation

St. Theresa Point First Nation is one of eight school projects in Manitoba being funded through the Building Canada Plan  . At St. Theresa Point, 350 students will study in a new Grade 5-8 school and more than 500 students will attend kindergarten to Grade 4 in a new addition to the high school.

Opaskwayak Cree Nation

As well, funding for 10 new schools and three major school renovation projects was announced in 2009 under Canada's Economic Action Plan (CEAP). In September, the Opaskwayak Cree Nation broke ground for construction of a new high school, which received $22.4 million from INAC through the CEAP.

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