e-Bulletin, Issue 12 - June 2011

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– A summary of recent Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada announcements, opportunities and initiatives –

Department Name Change

Following the May 2011 federal election, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced that Minister John Duncan will be Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development. The Minister’s statutory responsibilities and the department’s mandate have not changed, however the title of the department is now Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC). Read about the name change.

Message from the Minister

As Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development , I look forward to continuing my duties to support First Nations, Métis, Inuit and Northerners in their efforts to improve social well-being and economic prosperity; to develop healthier, more sustainable communities; and to participate more fully in Canada's political, social and economic agenda. Read the News Release.

Budget 2011

On June 6th, Minister of Finance Jim Flaherty tabled Canada's 2011 Budget. As with all Canadians, Aboriginal people will benefit from measures in Budget 2011 that promote stability, prosperity and security. Budget 2011, the Next Phase of Canada’s Economic Action Plan, builds upon investments since 2006 to support Aboriginal priorities and to address the barriers to social and economic participation that many Aboriginal people face. Visit the Budget website  .

Speech from the Throne, June 2011

On June 3rd, His Excellency the Governor General David Johnston presented the Speech from the Throne, opening the first session of the 41st Parliament. Read the Speech  .

Minister Duncan and AFN National Chief Atleo Announce Joint Action Plan

On June 9th, Minister Duncan and the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, Shawn A-in-chut Atleo, announced a Canada–First Nation Joint Action Plan to improve the lives of First Nation people across Canada. The Action Plan identifies four shared priority areas for action: education; accountability, transparency, capacity and good governance; economic development; and negotiation and implementation. Read the News Release.


Indian Residential Schools Common Experience Payment – Important Deadline Approaching

September 19, 2011, is the deadline for former Indian Residential Schools students to apply for a Common Experience Payment   (CEP). The CEP is a component of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. It is a payment made to former students who lived at a recognized Indian Residential School and who were alive on May 30, 2005. Visit the Service Canada website   or call 1 866 699 1742 for more details.


Statement on the Third Anniversary of the Prime Minister’s Historic Apology to Former Students of Indian Residential Schools

To mark the third anniversary of the historic apology to former students of Indian Residential Schools, Minister Duncan released a statement on June 10th. Read the Statement.

Canada Celebrates Treaty Land Entitlement Milestone with Yellow Quill First Nation and Province of Saskatchewan

On June 10th, Minister Duncan Congratulated Yellow Quill First Nation for celebrating an historic milestone in its Treaty Land Entitlement settlement agreement. Yellow Quill acquired and transferred to reserve its shortfall acreage, an achievement that increased the First Nation's land base by more than 16,700 acres and now opens up a wealth of new economic opportunities. Read the News Release.

Minister Duncan congratulates Yellow Quill First Nation on opening of new water treatment plant

On June 10th, Minister Duncan congratulated the Yellow Quill First Nation on the grand opening of its new water treatment plant. Funded by the department, this $5.26-million water treatment plant replaces the First Nation's previous plant, which was destroyed by fire in 2010. Read the News Release.

Minister Duncan Congratulates Nuxalk Nation on Opening of Newly Renovated Acwsalcta School

On May 26th, Minister Duncan congratulated the Nuxalk Nation on the completion of major renovations to the Acwsalcta School. This project was made possible through an investment of $8.4 million under Canada's Economic Action Plan (CEAP)  . The project, which began construction in March 2010, includes the addition of classroom space, as well as seismic, fire suppression and general building improvements. Read the News Release.

Canada and Four Ontario First Nations Take Major Step toward Claim Settlement

The Government of Canada, the Chippewas of Rama  , the Chippewas of Georgina Island  , the Beausoleil First Nation   and the Chippewas of Nawash   have reached a major milestone in talks to resolve an outstanding specific claim in south-central Ontario. Announced on May 26th, Canada has tabled a settlement offer of approximately $307 million in financial compensation. Read the News Release.

Funding for a New School at Attawapiskat First Nation

On May 19th, Minister Duncan announced that his department has set aside funding over the next three years to accelerate progress on the detailed design and construction phases of a new elementary school for the Attawapiskat First Nation. This front-end investment aims to accelerate the completion of the project and see the opening of the school by 2013. Read the News Release.

Minister Duncan Congratulates Old Massett Village on Completing Multi-Unit Housing Project in British Columbia

On May 13th, Minister Duncan congratulated the Old Massett Village Council on the opening of its 12-unit apartment complex on Haida Gwaii. This project is part of the $400 million investment under Canada’s Economic Action Plan to support First Nations nationally in the construction of new on-reserve housing, renovations and complementary housing activities. Read the News Release.

Canada and the Caldwell First Nation Achieve Win-Win Solution to Conclude Longstanding Claim

On March 25th, the Government and Chief Louise Hillier of the Caldwell First Nation announced the final settlement of a 200-year-old land claim in southwestern Ontario. The negotiated settlement provides the First Nation with $105 million to resolve the claim. Read the News Release.

Financial Agreement with the Innu of Labrador

On March 21st, a financial agreement was signed between the Government of Canada, the Innu Nation of Labrador and the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. The agreement marks an historic step toward completion of the Innu Land Claim. Read the News Release.

Nunavut Sivuniksavut – A Success Story

Nunavut Sivuniksavut is a unique eight-month college program based in Ottawa. In combination with traditional and cultural teachings, the program provides students with an opportunity to learn about Inuit history, organizations, land claims and other issues relevant to their future careers in Nunavut. Watch or read about this school.

New Vignettes: Specific Claims Success Stories

Three new success story videos, in support of the Specific Claims Action Plan, are now available on the Department’s website. These new vignettes feature settled specific claims in British Columbia, Manitoba and Quebec. Watch these and other specific claims success videos.

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