e-Bulletin, Issue 13 - August 2011

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– A summary of recent Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada announcements, opportunities and initiatives –

Canada and Sliammon First Nation Ready to Take Next Important Step in the BC Treaty Process

On August 3, Canada announced that it has concluded its internal review and will be moving to initial the Sliammon Final Agreement with the Sliammon (Tla'amin) First Nation and the province of British Columbia. This is an important step towards a treaty that will bring economic and social benefits to the First Nation and all people in the Powell River region. Read the News Release.

Major Claim Concluded with Roseau River First Nation

On July 28, the Government of Canada and Roseau River First Nation announced the final settlement of a longstanding land claim in southern Manitoba. The negotiated settlement provides the First Nation with $80 million to resolve the claim. This claim settlement was achieved through negotiation under Canada's Specific Claims Policy. Read the News Release.

Minister Duncan Visits with Members of Kingfisher Lake First Nation at Ottawa Evacuation Centre

On July 28, Minister Duncan visited Algonquin College in Ottawa to meet with members of the Kingfisher Lake First Nation who had been evacuated due to the forest fires in Northwestern Ontario. Minister Duncan also took the occasion to thank representatives from the City of Ottawa, Algonquin College, local Aboriginal organizations, and the many volunteers who have provided support to the Kingfisher Lake First Nation community members during this difficult time. Read the News Release.

Moose Deer Point First Nation Opens New Water Treatment Plant

On July 22, Jay Aspin, Member of Parliament for Nipissing-Timiskaming, on behalf of Minister Duncan, congratulated Moose Deer Point First Nation on the opening of a new water treatment plant in the community. The Government of Canada contributed $18 million to the water treatment plant under Canada's Economic Action Plan   and the First Nations Water and Wastewater Action Plan. Read the News Release.

Northwestern Ontario First Nation Celebrates Creation of New Reserve

On July 15, Minister Duncan congratulated Chief Paul Gladu and members of the Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek First Nation on the creation of their new reserve. The establishment of the 986.650 hectare reserve on the southeast shore of Lake Nipigon provides a permanent home for Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek. Read the News Release.

Minister Duncan Releases National Assessment of First Nations Water and Wastewater Systems Results

On July 14, Minister Duncan released the results of the National Assessment of Water and Wastewater Systems in First Nation Communities, the most rigorous, comprehensive and independent evaluation of water and wastewater systems on reserve ever undertaken by a federal government. The National Assessment surveyed the water and wastewater systems of 97 per cent of First Nation communities in Canada. Read the News Release.

Little Red River Cree Nation Opens New Elementary School

On July 12, Minister Duncan congratulated Little Red River Cree Nation on the opening of its new elementary school in Fox Lake located in northern Alberta. Funded under Canada's Economic Action Plan   and completed in March 2011, the new $32 million school will support over 500 students from Kindergarten to Grade 6. Read the News Release.

Pilot Project Marks Important Partnership to Improve on Reserve Water Quality in Ontario

On July 6, the governments of Canada and Ontario announced the Canada-Ontario First Nations Pilot to Improve Drinking Water Quality, a new joint three-year initiative harnessing innovative and alternative drinking water systems to improve water quality in Ontario First Nation communities. Read the News Release.

Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation Complete Drinking Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems

On July 5, Minister Duncan congratulated the community of Kitigan Zibi, Quebec, on the completion of improvements to its drinking water and wastewater treatment systems. With the completion of these infrastructure improvements, close to 40 per cent of existing buildings are now connected to a safe drinking water system. This initiative was made possible through an investment of $12 million under Canada's Economic Action Plan  . Read the News Release.

Major Infrastructure Work for the Expansion of the Uashat Reserve Announced

On July 4, Minister Duncan along with Parliamentary Secretary Greg Rickford announced major infrastructure work for the expansion of the Uashat reserve in the community of Uashat‑Maliotenam, Quebec. Under this project, a bridge and a new wastewater pumping station will be constructed, which will serve a future residential sector and connect the community's water supply and sewer systems to those of the City of Sept‑Îles. Read the News Release.

Atikamekw of Manawan First Nation Complete Major Upgrades to Otapi Secondary School

On July 4, Minister Duncan congratulated the Atikamekw First Nation on the completion of work on expanding and refitting the Otapi secondary school (César Newashish School) in the community of Manawan, Quebec. This project was made possible through an investment of $3.1 million under Canada's Economic Action Plan  . Read the News Release.

Discussion Table with the Huron-Wendat Nation: Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding

On June 30, Minister Duncan and Konrad Sioui, Grand Chief of the Huron-Wendat Nation, confirmed the establishment of a discussion table on the Anglo-Huron Treaty of 1860 and signed a memorandum of understanding regarding this initiative. These concrete measures reflect Canada's acknowledgement of the Anglo-Huron Treaty of 1760, as confirmed by the Supreme Court of Canada’s Sioui ruling 1990. Read the News Release.

Minister Duncan Participates in Important Truth and Reconciliation Event

The second national Truth and Reconciliation Commission event took place from June 28 to July 1, in Inuvik, Northwest Territories. The event provided former students of Indian Residential Schools and their families with the opportunity to provide their testimonies to the Commission. AANDC contributed $400,000 for former students to participate in the Inuvik event. Read the News Release. The next national event will be held in Halifax from October 26-29, 2011.

Wasauksing First Nation in Central Ontario Completes Multi-Unit Housing Project

On June 27, Minister Duncan congratulated Wasauksing First Nation on the opening of its six-unit housing complex. The 8,252 square-foot complex will provide much-needed affordable housing for Wasauksing First Nation. The Government of Canada contributed more than $1 million towards the site servicing, design and construction of this complex. Read the News Release.

Contact the Nutrition North Canada Advisory Board

Northerners who want to discuss Nutrition North Canada (NNC) are invited to contact the NNC Advisory Board directly at nncadvisoryboard@aandc.gc.ca. The Board is responsible for listening to the perspectives of Northerners and providing advice to the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development. The Board looks forward to hearing from Northerners at its next meeting in Kuujjuaq, Nunavik, in November. Learn more about the Advisory Board  .

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