e-Bulletin, Issue 21 - August 2012

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–A summary of recent Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada announcements, opportunities and initiatives–

...In this issue, find updates on Economic Development, Elections, Nutrition North Canada, Fiscal Management and Accountability, Reconciliation, Water, Infrastructure, Claims...

Minister Duncan Named Honorary Chief

On July 11th, Minister Duncan participated in a ceremony in which he was named an honorary Chief of the Piikani Chieftainship by the Piikani Nation of Alberta. Read the News Release.

Specific Land Claims: Success Story Videos

New videos featuring successfully negotiated specific land claims across Canada:

Economic Development

Five First Nations Take Steps towards Good Governance, Economic Development and Improved Quality of Life

On June 20th, Minister Duncan announced that the First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act (FNFSMA) has been amended to include an additional five First Nations who have opted to participate in the regime. The FNFSMA came into force on April 1, 2006 and provides First Nations with the same access to private capital as that enjoyed by other governments, strengthens the First Nations real property tax system and encourages the use of higher financial management standards. Read the News Release.

Major Projects, Major Opportunities: Aboriginal participation in Canada's development projects

The Aboriginal Human Resource Council  , supported by the Government of Canada (AANDC, HRSDC and NRC), will be hosting its second annual Aboriginal Entrepreneurs Conference and Tradeshow on October 15-16, 2012, at the Westin Hotel in Ottawa. Visit the conference website to view the agenda, become an exhibitor or register.

Investment in ecoEnergy Projects

On July 9th, Minister Duncan announced support for 16 ecoENERGY projects in British Columbia First Nation communities. The Government's ecoENERGY for Aboriginal and Northern Communities Program is providing $20 million in funding support between 2011 and 2016 to Aboriginal communities for the planning of renewable energy projects and for the design and implementation of clean energy projects integrated within community buildings. Read the News Release.


Election of National Chief for the Assembly of First Nations

On June 18th, Minister Duncan congratulated the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Chief Shawn Atleo on his re-election. The AFN remains an important partner in our Government's efforts to make real and lasting progress on the issues facing First Nations across Canada. Read the Minister's Statement.

Newly Elected President of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami

On June 7th, Minister Duncan congratulated the newly elected President of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, Mr. Terry Audla. The ITK was founded in 1971 to be the national voice for Inuit and carry out the role of political, cultural and economic development. Read the Minister’s Statement.

Nutrition North Canada

Nutrition North Canada Advisory Board Meets with Residents

On June 14th, the Nutrition North Canada Advisory Board met with residents of Norman Wells, Northwest Territories, to hear their views on the northern food subsidy program. Early analysis of data collected from registered NNC retailers to date shows that the program has had a positive impact on the prices of nutritious food since its launch in April 2011. Read the News Release  .

Fiscal Management and Accountability

New Financial Reporting Requirements

On June 15th, Minister Duncan announced the implementation of new streamlined financial reporting requirements for those First Nations with funding agreements with AANDC. The new approach is an important step toward fulfilling Canada's commitment to greater accountability, reducing red tape and reducing the reporting burden for funding recipients. Read the News Release.


Projects to Receive APIP Funding

On June 18th, Minister Duncan announced that 22 projects were selected to receive funding from the Advocacy and Public Information Program (APIP) for 2012-2013. APIP has been funding organizations since 2007-2008 to ensure that Aboriginal communities are aware of all aspects of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. Read the News Release.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Fourth Annual Event

On June 22nd, Minister Duncan participated in the fourth annual Truth and Reconciliation Commission event in Saskatoon, SK. As a gesture of reconciliation, the Government provided funding to the Saskatoon Tribal Council to assist with accommodating former students at the camp facility in the Wanuskewin Heritage Park. Read the News Release.

Canada–Whitecap Dakota Memorandum of Understanding on Reconciliation

On July 7th, Minister Duncan and Chief Darcy Bear of Whitecap Dakota First Nation, announced that Canada and the First Nation had concluded a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on reconciliation. This MOU will set the stage for continuing work towards a mutually acceptable path to reconciliation. Read the News Release.


Senate Passes Bill S-8, the Safe Drinking Water for First Nations Act

On June 19th, the Senate of Canada passed Bill S-8, the Safe Drinking Water for First Nations Act. The proposed legislation is a crucial element of a larger action plan to ensure First Nations have the same health and safety protections for drinking water in their communities as other Canadians. The bill will now move to the House of Commons for consideration. Read the Minister’s Statement.


Opening of Reuben Lewis Memorial Bridge

On July 6th, Senator Manning, on behalf of Minister Duncan, joined Chief Mi’sel Joe of the Miawpukek First Nation in Labrador for the official opening of the Reuben Lewis Memorial Bridge. The new bridge was made possible through an investment of $377,140 by AANDC’s Emergency Management Assistance Program. Read the News Release.


Communities Ratify Coldwater-Narrows Specific Claim

On July 16th, Minister Duncan issued a statement congratulating the Chippewas of Nawash and the Chippewa Tri-Council on the successful conclusion of the community approval process for their claim settlement. The $307 million settlement resolves an outstanding claim that dates back to events that took place over 170 years ago. Read the Minister’s Statement.

Sliammon Ratifies Final Agreement

On July 11th, Minister Duncan congratulated the Sliammon First Nation on the ratification of their Final Agreement towards a modern treaty. Read the Minister’s Statement.

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