e-Bulletin, Issue 22 - October 2012

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– A summary of recent announcements, opportunities and initiatives pertaining to AANDC –

In this issue, find updates on Changes at AANDC, Education and Schools, Aboriginal Skills and Development, Economic Development, Land Management, Infrastructure Investments, Commemoration, Partnership, Elections and Negotiations.

Aboriginal Entrepreneurs Conference and Tradeshow 2012

The Aboriginal Human Resource Council  , supported by the Government of Canada (AANDC, HRSDC and NRCan), will be hosting the second annual Aboriginal Entrepreneurs Conference and Tradeshow on October 15-16, 2012, at the Westin Hotel in Ottawa. Visit the conference website   to view the agenda, become an exhibitor or to register.

Changes at AANDC

Focusing on Essential Programs and Services

On September 4th, Minister Duncan announced changes to the funding model for Aboriginal Representative Organizations and Tribal Councils. These changes are set to make funding more equitable among organizations across the country and to ensure funding is focused on shared priorities: education, economic development, on-reserve infrastructure, and land management and governance programs. Visit the AANDC website for more information.

Efficient, Results-Based Approach to Treaty and Self-government Negotiations

On September 4th, Minister Duncan announced plans for the Department to work with its partners on a new approach to treaty and self-government negotiations, responding to the many calls for a faster process.  Read the News Release.

Education and Schools

First Nation Education – On the Path to Reform

On October 2nd, Minister Duncan announced details of the Government's plan for new investments in First Nation education, including $175 million for the construction and renovation of schools on reserve and an additional $100 million to support early literacy programming, services and partnerships with the provincial school systems. Read the News Release.

Spotlight: Literacy Programs Key to Student Success

Educators in Alberta have been helping students meet and exceed standards expected for their academic level with the help of funding under the First Nation Student Success Program (FNSSP) – Read the Spotlight story.

New School for Chippewas of Nawash First Nation

On July 31st, MP Larry Miller, on behalf of Minister Duncan, announced the start of construction of a new elementary school at Chippewas of Nawash First Nation. Construction began in August and the school is scheduled to open in September 2013. Read the News Release.

New School at Fort Severn First Nation

On August 9th, Minister Duncan, along with Fort Severn First Nation Chief Matthew Kakekaspan and Parliamentary Secretary Greg Rickford, announced funding for a new school at Fort Severn First Nation. This announcement was the first school infrastructure announcement under Economic Action Plan 2012  . Read the News Release.

New School at Pikangikum First Nation

On August 10th, Minister Duncan, along with Pikangikum First Nation Chief Peter Quill and Parliamentary Secretary Greg Rickford, announced funding for a new school at Pikangikum First Nation. This project is part of the $175 million for new schools and major renovations included in the Government's Economic Action Plan 2012   commitments to First Nation education. Read the News Release.

Funding for Eskasoni Band School Infrastructure

On August 14th, Minister Duncan joined Chief Leroy Denny of the Eskasoni Band in a groundbreaking ceremony for the expansion of the Chief Allison M. Bernard Memorial High School gymnasium for the Eskasoni Band. AANDC will provide $1.5 million over five years toward the project. Construction began in August and is expected to be completed by spring 2013. Read the News Release.

Opening of the ?aq'amnik Education Centre

On August 23rd, David Wilks, MP for Kootenay–Columbia, on behalf of Minister Duncan announced the opening of St. Mary's Band ?aq'amnik Education Centre. The new elementary school will accommodate approximately 50 students from kindergarten to Grade 7 in a two-story building that includes several classrooms, office space, a meeting room and a cafeteria. Read the News Release.

Aboriginal Skills and Development

Investing in Youth

On July 30th, Minister Duncan announced funding for the Cultural Connections for Aboriginal Youth Program (CCAY). The program is aimed at equipping young Aboriginal people with the skills and experiences they need to participate more fully in Canada's economy. Work is underway to align this program with the Urban Aboriginal Strategy. Find out more – Read the News Release.

Funding in Support of Aboriginal Business Studies

On September 6th, the Government of Canada announced its contribution to the Cape Breton University Purdy Crawford Chair in Aboriginal Business Studies, a research chair supported by the five Unama'ki communities on Cape Breton Island. The Chair will promote interest among Aboriginal people in the study of business at the post-secondary level. Read the News Release  .

Economic Development

Investing in Jobs In and Around Whitecap Dakota

On August 3rd, Minister Duncan and Whitecap Dakota First Nation Chief Darcy Bear announced an investment in the development of a hotel and spa for the Whitecap Dakota First Nation. Once completed, the hotel will create 150 jobs in the community. Set to open in summer 2014, the project is expected to turn its first profit by the end of its second year of operation. Read the News Release.

Land Management

Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 – Impacts to AANDC Operations & Process

CEAA, 2012 came into effect July 6, 2012. Federal authorities are now responsible for ensuring that lower-risk projects on federal lands do not cause significant adverse environmental effects. During the transition, AANDC will engage First Nations and other project proponents to ensure that lower-risk projects on reserve land proceed under the new system with minimal delay. For more information, please visit our website or contact your regional Environmental Officer.

Infrastructure Investments

Renewable Energy in Northwestern Saskatchewan

On August 1st, Minister Duncan, with Eric Sylvestre, Tribal Chief of the Meadow Lake Tribal Council; Robert Watson, President and CEO of SaskPower; and Ben Voss, President and CEO or Meadow Lake Tribal Council Resource Development Inc., announced an investment in an environmentally sustainable biomass power project in Meadow Lake. Read the News Release.

Improvements to First Nation Wastewater Treatment Facilities

On August 15th, Minister Duncan joined Chief Norman Bernard of the Wagmatcook Band to participate in the grand opening of the Wagmatcook Band's new wastewater treatment plant and the completion of upgrades to the existing sewage treatment lagoon. These projects were made possible through an investment from Canada of $6.3 million. Read the News Release.

Expanding Opportunities for Membertou Band

On August 15th, Minister Duncan, Premier Darrell Dexter, Province of Nova Scotia and Chief Terrance Paul of Membertou Band, announced funding for the construction of the Highway 125 Interchange, a $7 million project that will provide access from Highway 125 to Membertou-owned lands and will provide a direct link between the highway and Membertou Reserve lands. Read the News Release.

Successful Completion of Upgrades to Water Treatment Plant in Hazelton, BC

On August 17th, Minister Duncan congratulated the Gitanmaax Band and the Village of Hazelton on completion of upgrades to their water treatment plant system. Upgrades to the water treatment plant will improve service to homes in both communities, as well as schools, community halls and the hospital. Read the News Release.

Improving Wastewater Facilities in Ladysmith, BC

On August 27th, Minister Duncan and Chief John Elliott of the Stz'uminus First Nation announced funding for a new water and wastewater infrastructure project in Stz'uminus First Nation. Canada invested close to $1.485 million in this project through the Community Economic Opportunities Program, which helps First Nations facilitate economic and employment opportunities like community-owned businesses and land development. Read more.

Jobs and Economic Development in Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation

On September 11th, Minister Duncan joined Chief Cameron Alexis of the Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation to announce an investment in infrastructure to support a tourism park project. The Government of Canada is investing $3 million to cover costs for water, electrical, gas and roads infrastructure for the project. Read the News Release.


Celebration of Métis Culture, Traditions and Heritage

On July 20th, Minister Duncan opened the Back to Batoche Days in Batoche, Saskatchewan. This year marked the 127th anniversary of the historic Battle of Batoche. The yearly commemoration honours the culture, traditions and heritage of Métis people. Read the Statement.


Landmark Consultation Agreement

On August 13th, Minister Duncan; the Honourable Robert Ghiz, Premier of Prince Edward Island; Brian Francis, Chief of the Abegweit First Nation and Darlene Bernard, Chief of Lennox Island First Nation, signed a landmark agreement on consultation with the Mi'kmaq of Prince Edward Island and the Province of Prince Edward Island. The Agreement establishes a clear and efficient means for Canada and Prince Edward Island to consult the Mi'kmaq on proposed actions or decisions that may adversely impact asserted or established Aboriginal and treaty rights. Read the News Release.


Native Women's Association of Canada

Minister Duncan extended his congratulations to Michèle Audette on her election as President of the Native Women's Association of Canada. Read the Statement.


Progress in British Columbia Treaty Negotiations

On August 31st, Minister Duncan reported that Canada is moving forward with a number of promising BC treaty tables and is in a position to make land and financial offers at several tables. If accepted by the First Nations, these tables will be able to move toward the completion of Agreements-In-Principle. Read the News Release.

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