Participate in the Online Feedback for Additions to Reserve

The comment box below provides an opportunity to give feedback on the proposed revisions to the Policy on Additions to Reserve and Reserve Creation.

Participate in the Online Feedback for Additions to Reserve to provide your comments by October 31, 2013.

The input gathered during the public comment period will be used to finalize the new ATR policy. The Department will provide a summary of the input received at the time we release the final version of the new policy.

Submit your own feedback and comments

Via Regular Mail:

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
Room 1230, 10 Wellington
Gatineau, QC K1A 0H4

Provide us with your Comments




To protect your own privacy and the privacy of others, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada recommends that you do not include phone numbers, email addresses or other personal information while participating in this online feedback process. "Any personal information included will be destroyed immediately upon receipt. Feedback on the proposed Additions to Reserve policy will be recorded in an anonymous database. In addition, personal information collected by Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada is protected in accordance with the Privacy Act." Participants are solely responsible for the content of their comments and Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada maintains the right to unconditionally use any and/or all ideas and comments submitted during this process.

The information you provide in this document is collected under the authority the Government of Canada's Communication Policy for the purpose of gathering feedback and comments pertaining to the proposed Additions to Reserve policy. Individuals have the right to the protection of and access to their personal information under the Privacy Act. The information collected is described under the Personal Information Bank PSU 914.