Share your views on a First Nation Education Act

Over five months, the Government has been receiving input on the proposed legislative approach to First Nations Education legislation. The Government is now taking into consideration the views and perspectives shared to date, to help inform the drafting of a proposed approach to a First Nation Education Act.

Following the early engagement, the Government has released a Blueprint for Legislation, which sets out the Government of Canada’s proposed approach to a First Nation Education Act and has been informed by the work of the National Panel on First Nation Elementary and Secondary Education, as well as recent consultations undertaken between December 2012 and May 2013. The Blueprint has been shared with First Nation Chiefs and Councils, First Nation organizations, provincial governments and others with an expertise or interest in First Nation education for feedback.

Although the first phase of consultations has now ended, you can still provide your comments on the proposed legislative approach, starting with reading the Learn section of this website and the Discussion Guide.

As part of the second stage of consultations, the Government of Canada is committed to sharing the draft legislation with all First Nation communities across Canada, as well as with provincial governments and other stakeholders, for feedback, prior to tabling in Parliament.

Submit your Ideas for Consideration via Mail or Email



Via Regular mail:
Education Branch
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
15 Eddy Street, 6th floor
Gatineau, QC  K1A 0H4

Provide us with your Comments

(Note: by submitting your email address you agree to receive updates on the process)





To protect your own privacy and the privacy of others, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada recommends that you do not include phone numbers, email addresses or other personal information while participating in this online consultation. Participants choosing to include personal information in the body of their comments will be deemed to have consented to its disclosure on the website. Participants are solely responsible for the content of their comments as part of this website.

The information you provide in this document is collected under the authority the Government of Canada's Communication Policy for the purpose of participating in Canada's education consultation process. Information on individuals is used by Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada's Education Branch employees who need to know the information in order to respond to your request and/or the program requirements. The personal information will be kept for a period of one year and then destroyed. Individuals have the right to the protection of and access to their personal information under the Privacy Act  . The information collected is described under the Personal Information Bank PSU 914.

Right to Use

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada maintains the right to unconditionally use any and/or all ideas and comments submitted during this process.