Backgrounder - Summary of Consultation and Engagement for Current Legislation

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada believes that government legislation put forward to Parliament for debate and approval should be informed by a process of consultation and engagement. It's a core element of good governance and helps to ensure the legislation, including the policy it implements, has been informed by a diversity of viewpoints and responds, to the greatest extent possible, to the needs identified.

To that end, AANDC works in partnership with stakeholders, including First Nations, Métis and Northerners, to support sound policy development and decision-making when developing legislation. AANDC seeks input from individuals, associations, organizations and other levels of government through various forums such as online, face-to-face, and focus group sessions to help shape its policies, programs and legislative initiatives. In other cases, minor legislative changes may be based on feedback and informal discussion, reflecting the Department's regular dialogue with First Nations, Métis and Northerners.

Parliament and its committees are also a key national forum for all Canadians, including, Aboriginal Canadians and their representative organizations, to be heard before bill are adopted in their final form.

The 1st session of the 41st Parliament is set to continue on January 28, 2013 and a number of bills specific to the mandate of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada are currently before Parliament. Below is a summary of the Government's consultation and engagement efforts with regard to these bills:

Looking ahead, the Department remains committed to consulting and engaging on policy decisions and legislation affecting Canadians. The Department's recent announcement regarding consultations with First Nations to develop a First Nation Education Act is an example of our ongoing commitment to this objective. Consultations with First Nation parents, students, leaders and educators, as well as the provinces, will be integral to the development and drafting of legislation.