
Stories are fun and they tell us many important things about the people who first told them. Read or listen to the stories below and learn more about your Aboriginal friends and neighbours! The stories are now available in audio format.

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Claire and her Grandfather

Listen to this story (22:44')

Download this story (mp3, 21 Mb)

To download the file for use on a portable device, (e.g. iPod, BlackBerry), right click on the link above and select "Save Target As".

This is the story of Claire, who is learning about her Aboriginal heritage. This story is designed to enhance young people’s awareness of Aboriginal culture and tradition. Teachers and parents can use the story to initiate a broader examination of the many historical and contemporary contributions made by First Nations and Inuit to Canada and the world. Recommended for ages 7 to 12.

Read along, find lesson ideas or print a copy of the text.

Crow and Little Bear – A Coast Salish story

Listen to this story (17:28')

Download this story (mp3, 16.3 Mb)

To download the file for use on a portable device, (e.g. iPod, BlackBerry), right click on the link above and select "Save Target As".

Sharing is important to all people. When we share, we help others and we can also learn from those with whom we share. In this Coast Salish story, Crow and Little Bear learn the benefits of sharing. Recommended for ages 4 to 7.

Read along, find lesson plans or print a copy of the text.

The Granddaughter who was Eaten by a Big Fish – A Cree story

Listen to this story (6:16')

Download this story (mp3, 5.8 Mb)

To download the file for use on a portable device, (e.g. iPod, BlackBerry), right click on the link above and select "Save Target As".

Stories were the primary teaching aid of many First Nation people, and storytelling is still very important today. Stories are a valuable way to educate young people about the values and beliefs that First Nation people consider important. This Cree story tells the tale of a granddaughter who does not listen to her grandmother’s instructions. Recommended for ages 4 to 7.

Read along, find lesson plans or print a copy of the text.

The Lily Root – An Ojibway story

Listen to this story (8:42')

Download this story (mp3, 8.1 Mb)

To download the file for use on a portable device, (e.g. iPod, BlackBerry), right click on the link above and select "Save Target As".

The Lily Root is an Ojibway discovery story. Listeners are expected to draw their own conclusion without the story specifying an explicit lesson or instruction. Recommended for ages 4 to 7.

Read along, find lesson plans or print a copy of the text.

Through Mala's Eyes: Life in an Inuit Community – 10 narratives

Meet Mala, a 12-year-old Inuit boy from Salluit, Nunavik (Northern Quebec). Listen to Mala share the history, cultures and traditions of Inuit and, in particular, those who live in the northern Inuit community of Salluit. Recommended for ages 9 to 12.

Read along, find lesson plans or print a copy of the text: [HTML] [PDF]

Audio files:

  1. Let's Meet Mala narrative

    Listen to this story (3:41')

    Download this story (mp3, 3.4 Mb)

  2. Mala, an Inuk Boy narrative

    Listen to this story (2:27')

    Download this story (mp3, 2.3 Mb)

  3. Where Did We Come From? narrative

    Listen to this story (3:36')

    Download this story (mp3, 3.3 Mb)

  4. Mala Goes to Kuujjuaq narrative

    Listen to this story (3:18')

    Download this story (mp3, 3 Mb)

  5. Mala Goes Ice Fishing narrative

    Listen to this story (3:53')

    Download this story (mp3, 3.6 Mb)

  6. Mala Visits his Grandparents narrative

    Listen to this story (8:42')

    Download this story (mp3, 8.1 Mb)

  7. Travel narrative

    Listen to this story (2:59')

    Download this story (mp3, 2.8 Mb)

  8. Wildlife in the Arctic narrative

    Listen to this story (3:36')

    Download this story (mp3, 3.3 Mb)

  9. Mala Makes an Igluvigaq with his Father narrative

    Listen to this story (4:46')

    Download this story (mp3, 4.4 Mb)

  10. Mala Talks with his Ataatatsiaq about Hunting and Camping narrative

    Listen to this story (9:34')

    Download this story (mp3, 8.9 Mb)

To download the file for use on a portable device, (e.g. iPod, BlackBerry), right click on the link above and select "Save Target As".

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