High Arctic PEMT Layers

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PEMT Sensitivity Layers (High Arctic)

General Sensitivity Information.

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General Sensitivity Notes

Sensitivity layers were organized according to summer (May to October) and winter (November to April) unless otherwise noted, which correspond with seasons for sea ice concentrations (Barber and Hanesiak 2004). Sensitivity layers were extended to include the NOGB onshore grid network. The onshore sensitivity layers include an evaluation of onshore polar bear denning habitat, and staging, feeding, nesting, brood-rearing and moulting habitats for offshore (seabirds), and onshore (shorebirds, ducks and geese) migratory bird species. The concepts considered in developing the sensitivity rating included the following:

  • life cycle and occurrence in the study area;
  • susceptibility to habitat change;
  • sensitivity to development; and
  • importance to Inuvialuit.

Sensitivity Layers

Sensitivity layers were developed based on a composite of various pieces of relevant ecosystem (habitat use and availability) and socio-economic information. Grid sensitivity ratings provide a relative appreciation of the biological (highlights the most vulnerable and sensitive areas, seasonal distribution, and provides information on the potential response to change resulting from hydrocarbon development), social or economic values within grid. A consistent rating scale was applied to allow for comparison, as outlined below.

Grid Cell Sensitivity Rating

1 - Low Sensitivity
2 - Low/Moderate Sensitivity
3 - Moderate Risk Sensitivity
4 - Moderate/High Sensitivity
5 - High Sensitivity