Common Experience Payment (CEP) Map

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Distribution of Common Experience Payment (CEP)
Provinces and Territories Amount Paid
($ millions)
Per Applicant
Eligible Not
  • Eligible former students receive $10,000 for the first year of residence at a recognized Indian Residential School, plus $3,000 for each school year (or part of a school year) after that.
  • Amount paid includes payment after Reconsideration, Amendment or Appeal to the National Administration Committee.
  • Numbers may slightly differ from the IRSSA statistics posted on the AANDC website due to the source of the information (AANDC / Service Canada)

SADRE. Data from September 19, 2007 to December 31, 2012

Alberta 268.9 $20,494 12,236 5,114
British Columbia 300.0 $20,604 13,573 3,608
Manitoba 178.7 $19,013 8,861 5,033
New Brunswick 2.7 $18,978 134 25
Newfoundland and Labrador 1.0 $17,696 23 74
Northwest Territories 103.0 $18,451 5,354 969
Nova Scotia 10.2 $17,664 378 59
Nunavut 41.3 $15,974 2,465 802
Ontario 166.9 $18,955 8,243 1,706
Prince Edward Island 3.6 $16,326 43 3
Quebec 119.6 $19,120 5,870 1,372
Saskatchewan 367.0 $18,786 19,132 4,797
Yukon 33.6 $22,421 1,457 176
Unknown / Outside Canada 23.5 $20,723 979 82
Total 1.620B N/A 78,748 23,820