Map of Independent Assessment Process (IAP) Admitted Claims

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Distribution of Independent Assessment Process (IAP) Admitted Claims
Provinces and Territories Active Cases Cases Resolved Total %
  • Represents only IAP. Approximately 2,000 additional ADR claims are not represented here.
  • Cases resolved includes zero dollar awards.

Source: SADRE. Data from September 19, 2007 to December 31, 2012

British Columbia 1,622 2,876 4,498 17%
Alberta 2,545 3,143 5,688 22%
Saskatchewan 3,709 2,722 6,431 24%
Manitoba 1,530 2,028 3,558 14%
Ontario 1,274 1,290 2,564 10%
Quebec 662 706 1,368 5%
Yukon 94 192 286 1%
Northwest Territories 757 662 1,419 5%
Nunavut 139 47 186 1%
New Brunswick 0 0 0 0%
Nova Scotia 154 107 261 1%
Prince Edward Island 0 0 0 0%
Newfoundland and Labrador 0 0 0 0%
More than one province/Unknown 1 1 2 0%
Total 12,487 13,774 26,261 100%