Investing in Infrastructure

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To support the Canadian Forces, the Department of National Defence (DND) maintains a significant amount of infrastructure across Canada, including approximately:

  • some 21 000 buildings;
  • 2.25 million hectares of land (almost four times the landmass of Prince Edward Island);
  • 5500 km of roads (roughly the distance between Calgary and Halifax); and
  • 3000 km of water, storm, and sewer pipes (roughly the distance between Ottawa and Saskatoon).

The Government's Canada First Defence Strategy (CFDS) provides a strategic road map for the modernization of the Canadian Forces.

In order to meet Canada's future defence and security requirements, the Government intends to replace or refurbish approximately 25 per cent of DND infrastructure holdings within 10 years, with approximately 50 per cent being replaced or refurbished over 20 years.

The Government's significant investments in DND's infrastructure portfolio not only benefit the Canadian Forces, but in turn contribute to the economic foundation of communities across Canada.