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Parliamentary Business

Parliament is prorogued


Senate Committees House of Commons Committees Joint Committees

The following information is available about Senate, House of Commons and Joint Committees:

  • Committee Mandates
  • Membership
  • Lists of Studies
  • Committee Meetings
  • Schedules of Meetings
  • Minutes of Proceedings
  • Evidence
  • Press Releases

International and Interparliamentary Affairs

International and Interparliamentary Affairs

Read about how Canada's Parliament and parliamentarians promote democracy and good governance internationally.

International and Interparliamentary Affairs



Bills Before Parliament (at Prorogation)

Legislation at a Glance

Bills on Today's Agenda in the Senate and in the House of Commons

LEGISinfo provides current and historical data on legislation dating back to the 37th Parliament in 2001.

Reference Material

Reference Material

Procedural Reference Material
Rules, guides and other reference materials about Senate and House of Commons procedure. Includes information for committee witnesses, practical guides on a number of subjects, and other useful procedural documents.

Legislative Summaries and Research Papers
Overviews of most government bills (Legislative Summaries) and topical research papers produced by expert staff from the Library of Parliament.

Reconstituted Debates of the Senate and the House of Commons
During the early years of Confederation, the Senate and the House of Commons did not produce an official record of their debates. The Library of Parliament has undertaken to reconstitute their deliberations by consolidating newspaper reports of the era.