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24 Sussex Drive

The house at 24 Sussex Drive was built at the very dawn of Canada’s life as a nation, in 1868. Its first three owners were all public men, prominent entrepreneurs but also members of Parliament, and all of them married to women with distinguished political pedigrees of their own. From its earliest days, therefore, 24 Sussex Drive has welcomed the political elite of Canada. Acquired by the government, and transformed into the official residence of the Prime Minister of Canada in 1950, the house continues to witness the making of history in Canada.

24 Sussex Drive

The house at 24 Sussex Drive is the official residence of the Prime Minister of Canada during his or her term of office. Part of the house is reserved for the use of the family, with furniture and decorations suited to their tastes and preferences. The public part of the house belongs to the nation, however, and it is there that the Prime Minister welcomes guests and associates for a wide range of public functions: luncheons and dinners, meetings, and receptions. These rooms are decorated and furnished in keeping with their important public function.

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