DAOD 5031-8, Canadian Forces Professional Development

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Definitions
  3. Abbreviations
  4. Framework
  5. Canadian Forces Professional Development System
  6. Officer Professional Development
  7. Non-Commissioned Member Professional Development
  8. Responsibilities
  9. References

1. Introduction

Date of Issue: 2003-04-30

Date of Modification: 2012-06-14

Application: This DAOD is an order that applies to officers and non-commissioned members (NCM) of the Canadian Forces (CF members).

Supersession: DAOD 5038-1, Officer Professional Development (OPD) System

Approval Authority: Chief of Military Personnel (CMP)


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2. Definitions

designated training authority (responsable désigné de l’instruction)
Has the same meaning as in CF Mil Pers Inst 02/07, Authority and Management Framework – Military Employment Structure (MES).
individual training and education (instruction individuelle et éducation)
Has the same meaning as in A-P9-050-000/PT-001, Manual of Individual Training and Education, Volume 1, Introduction/Description.
military employment structure (structure des emplois militaires)
Has the same meaning as in CF Mil Pers Inst 02/07, Authority and Management Framework – Military Employment Structure (MES).
specification (description professionnelle)
Has the same meaning as in CF Mil Pers Inst 02/07, Authority and Management Framework – Military Employment Structure (MES).
training authority (responsable de l’instruction)
Has the same meaning as in CF Mil Pers Inst 02/07, Authority and Management Framework – Military Employment Structure (MES).

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3. Abbreviations

Abbreviation Complete Word or Phrase


basic military officer qualification


Chief of the Defence Staff


Canadian Forces Professional Development Council


Canadian Forces Professional Development System


Director General Military Personnel


developmental period


Director Personnel Generation Requirements


designated training authority


environmental command


general specification


individual training and education


military employment structure


non-commissioned member


non-commissioned members general specification


operationally functional point


officer general specification


ordinary seaman (basic)


ordinary seaman (recruit)


professional development

P Res

Primary Reserve


private (basic)


private (recruit)


private (trained)


qualification level

Reg F

Regular Force


training authority

Note – Rank abbreviations in this DAOD are in accordance with A-AD-121-F01/JX-000, Manual of Abbreviations - Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces.

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4. Framework


4.1 The CFPDS is a comprehensive, integrated and sequential development system that provides a continuous learning environment to develop and enhance the capabilities and leadership of CF members.

4.2 The CFPDS consists of the following four pillars:

Pillar Description


The provision of a base of knowledge and intellectual skills upon which information can be correctly interpreted and sound judgement exercised.


The provision of skills, knowledge and attitudes required to perform assigned duties.

Employment experience

The application and continued development of the skills, knowledge and attitudes acquired through training, education and self-development in the performance of assigned roles and duties, especially in operations and command.


Self-initiated, professionally or personally oriented learning, normally done during off-duty time.

4.3 The core of the CFPDS consists of:

  1. a framework of policies, instructions, guidelines and specifications; and
  2. a development timeframe structure that facilitates the timely and effective PD of CF members.

4.4 The IT&E components of the CFPDS are more fully described in DAOD 5031-2, Individual Training and Education Strategic Framework.


4.5 The CFPDS is designed to:

  1. ensure that CF members meet the applicable requirements identified in the MES specifications;
  2. ensure that CF members are capable of critical thinking, managing change, effective leadership and resource management, across the full spectrum of military service;
  3. strengthen understanding of the military profession;
  4. enhance general, environmental and military occupation expertise;
  5. enable CF members to develop professional competencies and attitudes required to successfully perform their duties and tasks;
  6. prepare CF members for the demands of a progressive career; and
  7. prepare retiring CF members for transition to civilian life.

Professional Competencies

4.6 The CF consider knowledge, skills, abilities and other personal qualities as professional competencies that:

  1. underlie effective or successful job performance;
  2. are observable and measurable; and
  3. are distinguishable between CF members who perform at superior versus average levels.

Guiding Principles

4.7 The CF is committed to:

  1. providing CF members with PD throughout their military careers; and
  2. promoting a continuous learning environment, with a view to imparting new knowledge and developing skills and attitudes as the basis for innovation and judgement.

4.8 PD is a shared responsibility between commanders and commanding officers on one hand, and individual CF members on the other hand.

4.9 As bilingualism is intrinsic to CF leadership, ability in both official languages becomes increasingly important for progression through the DPs.

Access to the CFPDS

4.10 Access to the CFPDS is provided, as appropriate and practicable, through:

  1. full-time and part-time options;
  2. in-service, out-service and alternative training delivery;
  3. prior learning assessment and recognition; and
  4. a variety of instructional strategies, learning methodologies and technologies.

Allocated Duty Time for IT&E

4.11 A CF member must be allocated duty time for required IT&E without causing an increase in normal duty hours or a decrease in off-duty time.

4.12 Normal duty time is that which is typical for the position of the CF member and the unit situation.

4.13 Required IT&E includes courses, programmes and qualifications identified in applicable regulations, orders and instructions, that are obligatory for a CF member to maintain or advance military occupation or professional skills and knowledge.


4.14 CF members engaged in self-development, including IT&E for which they were not formally or centrally selected or were not mandated to take, must normally conduct these studies during off-duty time. If warranted, a CF member undergoing academic advancement, as part of their self-development, may be authorized special leave (academic advancement), subject to DAOD 5060-0, Leave, and its references.

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5. Canadian Forces Professional Development System

Leader Framework

5.1 The leader framework in A-PA-005-000/AP-006, Leadership in the Canadian Forces: Leading the Institution, describes the changing leadership requirements of CF members as they progress in rank and responsibility. The leader framework encompasses the following elements:

  1. expertise;
  2. cognitive capacities;
  3. social capacities;
  4. change capacities; and
  5. professional ideology.

5.2 The leader framework outlines how a leader's growth from DP 1 to DP 5 involves a change in leadership focus from leading individuals to leading an organization.

The GSs

5.3 The OGS and the NCMGS describe the common performance and PD requirements for CF members.

5.4 The GS common portion incorporates the leader framework, which indicates the related competencies for each requirement.

5.5 Performance requirements are organized into the following four categories:

  1. lead military operations;
  2. lead organizations;
  3. lead people; and
  4. lead through the application of professional competencies.

5.6 Portions of the GS unique to the different ECs identify those duties, tasks and competencies of all CF members employed in the sea, land or air environment and for CF members in military occupations managed by those ECs.

5.7 See the DGPR intranet site for access to the OGS, NCMGS, military occupation and specialty specifications.

MES Specifications

5.8 The MES specifications are the foundation of the CFPDS. These specifications are policy and quality control documents that identify the functions, working conditions and tasks for general, environmental, military occupation and specialty capabilities of CF members.

The DPs

5.9 A DP is a timeframe in a career during which a CF member is trained, employed and given the opportunity to develop specific military occupation or professional skills and knowledge.

5.10 DPs are distinguished by a progressive increase in the levels of accountability, responsibility, authority, competency, military leadership ability and the knowledge of operations.

The QLs

5.11 QLs are the levels of skill and knowledge specified for individual military occupations in the A-PD-055 series of publications.

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6. Officer Professional Development

Officer DPs

6.1 In the OGS, the career of an officer is divided into five DPs. The following table shows the DPs, the associated ranks and common officer qualifications for the Reg F and P Res:

DP Rank Common Officer Qualification
DP 1 OCdt/NCdt
Capt/Lt(N) (Note 1)
BMOQ (common)
BMOQ (with exemptions) (Note 2)
DP 2 2Lt/A/SLt (Note 3)
junior officer QL1
junior officer QL2
DP 3 Maj/LCdr
intermediate officer qualification
DP 4 Col/Capt(N) advanced officer qualification
DP 5 general/flag-officer senior officer qualification

Note 1 – An officer progresses from DP 1 to DP 2 upon achieving the applicable OFP. For some military occupations and entry plans, DP 1 may not be completed until the rank of Capt/Lt(N). The OFP occurs when an officer completes all qualifications required for their first employment in the military occupation. At that point, an officer is posted off the basic training list or subsidized university training list to a trained effective strength position. The OFP for each military occupation is contained in the military occupation specification maintained by the DPGR.

Note 2 – A separate BMOQ is provided for an officer belonging to a military occupation with exemptions for specific tasks in the OGS.

Note 3 – For some military occupations and entry plans, an officer may achieve OFP at the 2Lt/A/SLt rank and thus progress to DP 2 at that rank.

Officer DP Progression

6.2 The following table outlines PD milestones as well as the requirements for progression to the next DP:

In officers acquire … and second language training through self-development or IT&E based on the requirements of the position held or on … with progression to the next DP based on …

DP 1,

  • BMOQ;
  • environmental qualification; and
  • basic military occupation qualification,
  • the requirements of the component, military occupation or entry plan,
  • the successful completion of BMOQ training;
  • the successful completion of environmental training;
  • the successful completion of basic military occupation training; and
  • achieving the OFP.

DP 2,

  • applicable common, environmental and military occupation qualifications;
  • increased general, environmental and military occupation skills and knowledge; and
  • experience at the unit level,
  • potential for advancement,
  • the successful completion of junior officer QL1 and QL2 training;
  • the successful completion of applicable environmental training;
  • the successful completion of applicable military occupation training; and
  • promotion to Maj/LCdr.

DP 3,

  • applicable common, environmental and military occupation qualifications;
  • experience in common, environmental and military occupation activities;
  • continued experience at the unit level;
  • experience at formation and higher levels;
  • increased military occupation expertise;
  • an understanding of joint and combined operations; and
  • the Joint Command and Staff Programme or equivalent qualification for selected officers,
  • potential for advancement,
  • the successful completion of intermediate officer qualification training for selected officers;
  • the successful completion of applicable environmental training;
  • the successful completion of applicable specialty training; and
  • promotion to Col/Capt(N).

DP 4,

  • skills in planning and conducting joint and combined national and international operations;
  • increased experience in common, environmental and military occupation activities; and
  • the National Security Programme or equivalent qualification for selected officers,
  • potential for advancement,
  • the successful completion of advanced officer qualification training for selected officers;
  • the successful completion of applicable environmental training;
  • the successful completion of applicable specialty training; and
  • promotion to BGen/Cmdre.

DP 5,

  • skills in strategic leadership, the development of national security policy and the management of resources at the national level.

Not applicable

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7. Non-Commissioned Member Professional Development


7.1 In the NCMGS, the career of an NCM is divided into five DPs. The following table show the DPs, associated ranks and QLs for Reg F and P Res:

DP Rank/Appointment QL

DP 1



DP 2



DP 3

Sgt/PO 2

Not applicable

DP 4



DP 5



Note – CM progresses from DP 1 to DP 2 upon achieving the applicable OFP. The OFP occurs when an NCM completes all qualifications required for first employment in the military occupation. At that point, an NCM is posted off the basic training list to a trained effective strength position. The OFP for each military occupation is contained in the military occupation specification maintained by the DPGR.

7.2 For P Res QLs it is necessary to use the Reg F QL nomenclature. If differences exist between a Reg F and P Res qualification, the qualification must be preceded with the wording “P Res” (e.g. P Res QL3, P Res QL5A). If there is no difference, the Reg F QL must be used.

NCM DP Progression

7.3 The following table outlines PD milestones as well as the requirements for progression to the next DP:

In NCMs acquire … and second language training through self-development or IT&E based on the requirements of the position held or on … with progression to the next DP based on …

DP 1,

  • basic military qualification;
  • environmental qualification; and
  • basic military occupation qualification,
  • the requirements of the component, military occupation or entry plan,
  • the successful completion of basic military qualification training;
  • the successful completion of environmental training;
  • the successful completion of basic military occupation training; and
  • advancement to Pte(T)/AB.

DP 2,

  • applicable common, environmental and military occupation qualifications;
  • increased general, environmental and military occupation skills and knowledge; and
  • experience at the unit level,
  • the requirements of the component or military occupation,
  • the successful completion of primary leadership qualification training;
  • the successful completion of applicable environmental training;
  • the successful completion of applicable QL military occupation training; and
  • appointment to MCpl/MS.

DP 3,

  • applicable common, environmental and military occupation qualifications;
  • resource management experience;
  • increased experience in common, environmental and military occupation activities; and
  • continued experience at the unit level,
  • potential for advancement,
  • the successful completion of intermediate leadership qualification training;
  • the successful completion of applicable environmental training;
  • the successful completion of applicable QL military occupation training; and
  • promotion to WO/PO 1.

DP 4,

  • applicable common, environmental and military occupation qualifications;
  • skills in planning and conducting sub-unit and unit level missions and activities at the tactical and operational levels;
  • resource management expertise;
  • continued experience in common, environmental and military occupation activities; and
  • an understanding of the CF beyond unit and environment level,
  • potential for advancement,
  • the successful completion of advanced leadership qualification training;
  • the successful completion of applicable environmental training;
  • the successful completion of CWO/CPO 1 qualification training; and
  • promotion to CWO/CPO 1.

DP 5,

  • staff work and experience in preparation for the highest levels of NCM leadership as organizational leaders or for senior appointments at the strategic level; and
  • senior appointment programme training (as applicable),
  • potential for selection to designated key and senior appointments at the CWO/CPO 1 rank.
  • Not applicable

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8. Responsibilities

Responsibility Table

8.1 The following table identifies responsibilities associated with this DAOD:

The … is or are responsible for …


  • establishing the PD governance structure;
  • considering the advice of the CF PDC; and
  • providing the CDS with advice and guidance on PD issues, policy and programmes.

level one advisors

  • assigning duties and responsibilities, if feasible, in order to allow CF members to exploit their training and education and further develop their professional skills, knowledge and attitudes; and
  • seeking duties for Reg F members with allied military forces, Canadian government departments and industries.


  • advising the CMP on PD programmes;
  • reviewing new PD strategies, policies and doctrine;
  • ensuring that CF-common and EC-based PD programmes are integrated in terms of specification coordination and career progression; and
  • reviewing the resource requirements for CF-common PD.


  • reviewing on a bi-annual basis, in support of DGMP, the respective environmental portion of the OGS and NCMGS.


  • providing strategic level PD policies, including the IT&E framework, policy guidance and management framework;
  • reviewing on a bi-annual basis, in cooperation with the ECs, the CF-common and environmental requirements in the OGS and the NCMGS; and
  • providing guidance on and approval of new military occupations and sub-occupations, the deletion of existing military occupations and sub-occupations, and the creation or updating of corresponding specifications.

Director General Military Careers

  • supporting the selection of Reg F members for military occupation and language training, further education and posting; and
  • basing the career progression of Reg F members on service requirements.

Commander CDA

  • chairing the CF PDC;
  • managing the CFPDS in co-operation with the CMP and the TAs;
  • establishing PD policies and policy guidance and providing PD administration;
  • managing PD activities assigned by CMP;
  • providing CMP with advice and guidance on PD issues, policy and programmes;
  • cultivating professional relations with Canadian and allied academic institutions whose programmes relate to the profession of arms; and
  • verifying that PD activities meet the requirements of the OGS and NCMGS, and the intent of PD strategic guidance, policies and policy guidance.


  • managing CF specifications and the MES change management process; and
  • approving major revisions to all specifications and specialty specifications not involving structure change.

TAs and DTAs

  • coordinating and delivering CF-common PD assigned by CDA;
  • developing, coordinating and delivering environmental and military occupation PD; and
  • managing PD assigned by CMP and responsibilities as outlined in DAOD 5031-2.

commanding officers

  • employing CF members, if feasible, in work that makes use of their training and education and develops their professional abilities through varied and progressive experiences;
  • ensuring that the right level of mentoring, coaching and supervision is provided to CF members developing their skills and knowledge;
  • nominating CF members for the training and education required for their positions or based on their potential for advancement; and
  • allowing CF members selected for training or education to obtain, if feasible, the training or educational qualifications.

CF members

  • seeking the training and education required for their positions and career advancement;
  • initiating and pursuing self-development activities; and
  • applying their professional knowledge and abilities in the performance of their duties.

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9. References

Acts, Regulations, Central Agency Policies and Policy DAOD

Other References