Exercise DETERMINED DRAGON (Ex DD) is an annual training event aimed at exercising the Canadian Joint Operation Command’s (CJOC) ability to execute various scenarios in defence of North America and global defence operations.


Ex DD is a command post exercise designed to practice CJOC’s role as a command headquarters (HQ) during operations at home and abroad.  This national-level exercise provides an environment for CJOC to achieve an increased level of preparedness for operations.  

Ex DD helps create a ready, able and joint command HQ that is able to take the lead on any defence or security issue threatening Canada or the global population.

Strategic objectives

A number of strategic objectives have been identified for Ex DD:

  • exercise HQ responsibilities ;
  • enhance interagency partnerships;
  • institutionalize battle procedures with partners such as regional and component commanders, the Strategic Joint Staff, the Associate Deputy Minister (Policy), and the Chief of Defence Intelligence;
  • bilateral planning with United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) and United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM); and
  • CJOC coordination with NORAD.

Ex DD includes a robust lessons learned process that will facilitate the application of best practices for future Canadian Armed Forces exercises and operations. 

Linked Exercises

Ex DD is bound to other allied exercises by a common scenario and linked through multiple events:

  • Ex VIGILANT SHIELD, a NORAD-USNORTHCOM exercise focused on homeland defence and homeland security missions; and
  • Ex GLOBAL THUNDER, a USSTRATCOM-led exercise with the primary emphasis on exercising nuclear command and control capabilities.

Ex DD offers a great opportunity for regional task forces to leverage their own exercises.  Regional exercises are fully synchronized through a common scenario and Ex DD offers unique inputs to meet the needs of each participant. Each regional joint task force is responsible for the execution of their respective exercise, as well as determining their own training objectives and level of participation. The following regional joint task force exercises are included:

  • FRONTIER SENTINEL (FS), a combined Maritime Atlantic, U.S. Fleet Forces and U.S. Coast Guard exercise;
  • TRILLIUM DRAGON, a Joint Task Force (Central)-led exercise; and
  • Réaction Royale, a Joint Task Force (East)-led exercise.


Ex DD 13 will take place in two phases: the planning phase from 9 to 27 September 2013 and the execution phase from 28 October to 1 November 2013. It will primarily focus on the flow of information within the CJOC HQ and the integration of cyber and space components into Canadian operations.



In September 2009, NORAD, USNORTHCOM and Canada Command (a predecessor to CJOC) signed the Framework for Enhanced Military Cooperation which codified the close relationships among the three commands and ensured a timely and coordinated response to defence and security challenges to North America.

The framework’s goal is to improve unity of effort by promoting enhanced military cooperation in the preparation and conduct of defence, security and safety operations in North America, including the Arctic.