CACSC Army Operations Course (AOC) 28

1.  Course Dates:  Tutorial 1 (DL):  20 Sep -8 Nov 12 Tutorials 2 & 3 (Res):  10 Jan - 28 Mar 13  (new TD msg issued 1 Nov 12)

2.  REQUIREMENT TO COMPLETE BEFORE START OF AOC 28 COURSE.  Those students loaded onto AOC 28 are to have completed all AOC pre-requisites NLT 1200 hrs 7 September 2012. Those students unable to meet this timing will be removed from the course. AJOSQ (116030) and ATOC (AEKX OR AJEA) must appear on their MPRR. Students are reminded that to staff an equivalency or a waiver takes time and therefore they should forward their equivalency/waiver requests to Director of Army Training through their chain of command in a timely manner. CLFCSC will not entertain requests for equivalency received later than 31 August 2012. It is the students responsibility to track their requests for equivalency through their unit and to CLFCSC. Equivalency requests should be staffed to the Director of Army Training. Students who have received an equivalency from DAT for AJOSQ should also check with the CLFCSC DLSp Coord, Maj D.M. Jackson (CSN 271-2188) to ensure that all their AOC prerequisites have been met.

New Note

An email was issued 7 Jan 13 with this note:




  • 1.  Mess Kit required
  • 2.  DEU w. Ribbons required



1. To provide students loaded on Tutorial 1 of Army Operations Course (AOC) 28 with the information they need to understand how the Distributed Learning (DL) tutorial will be conducted and who to contact for additional information or assistance.  VISIT THE CLFCSC WEBSITE WEEKLY FOR UPDATED INFORMATION.

2. This website contains, among other things, a link to the Student Handbook where you will find important details concerning the conduct of the course.  Ensure you read the Handbook at least once prior to the start of the course.


3. The AOC is designed to prepare Army Junior Officers to conduct the duties of key staff positions at the unit/battle group and brigade group levels in a digitized environment. Tutorial 1 of the AOC is designed to give students the necessary level of background knowledge (doctrinal, organizational, staff tools, etc.) required for Residential Phase.

4. The seven-week DL phase is designed specifically to give you the background knowledge required to successfully complete the Residential phase.  The DL Phase consists of a scheduled reading and work program that will be delivered to you via the Internet.  Testing of various EdOs/ POs will occur during this phase.


5. As an AOC 28 student you are considered to be on course at CLFCSC from 20 Sep – 8 Nov 12 inclusive, even though you will be remaining in your parent unit’s location.  As such, you are not available to your parent unit for any duties whatsoever.  The onus is completely on you to establish an unhindered and non-disruptive work environment.  Having said that, students who are not supported by their parent units in this regard are to contact their Directing Staff (DS) member immediately.

6. Tutorial 1 DS.  Students will be grouped into syndicates.  Syndicates will interact over the Internet using laptop computers provided by CLFCSC.  Each syndicate has been assigned a DL DS to act as an instructor/mentor.  DS will contact each student individually prior to the start of the course.


7. The website contains a link to the Student Personal History Form. It is very important that you fill this out completely and accurately either on-line (as explained in the course-loading message) or on paper.  Your Student Personal History Form must be sent to CLFCSC Course Coord by one of the following methods:

  • a. Submit the completed electronic form on the web-site;
  • b. Email.  Electronic copies of the form are to be transmitted to;
  • c. Fax.  Facsimile copies are to be addressed to CLFCSC Crse Coord at 613-541-4108 or CSN 271-4108;
  • d. Mail.  Paper copies of the form are to be mailed to the following address:Course Coord, CLFCSC, PO Box 17000, Stn Forces, Kingston ON, K7K 7B4.


8. Laptop, Headset and Course Material.  Each student will receive a laptop computer with headset from CLFCSC.  All reference material will come loaded on the laptop’s hard drive.  As such, you will be required to use the CLFCSC provided laptop for Tutorial 1, even if you already have your own home computer.

9. Shipping Address. Thirty days prior to Tutorial 1 start date, students must forward (as part of the Student Personal History form) the address (not a P.O. Box) and phone number to which a courier will deliver their DL package, including laptop computer.  If this information is not provided, you will not receive your package in a timely manner.  The Tutorial 1 course package will arrive at the address you give us the week before the course commences (see para 14b).  If you’re not going to be in the location to sign for it, it is your responsibility to make alternate arrangements by calling AOC DL Helpdesk at 1-866-540-8562 so that it doesn’t get returned to the College, causing us the expense of having to ship it twice.   Course packages will not be shipped to Kingston residents.  Students who reside in the Kingston area are to report to the College’s Orderly Room and sign for their course package the week prior to the course. 


10. CLFCSC has established a toll free AOC DL Helpline to assist students who have questions or difficulties pertaining to Tutorial 1 of the AOC or with a link to other staff during business hours.  The Helpline’s toll free number is 1-866-540-8562.  It can also be accessed by dialing 613-540-8562 or CSN 271  8562.  Students in the Kingston area can access the Helpline by dialing 613-541-5010 extension 8562.

11. The AOC DL Helpline is manned by the DL Staff from 0800-1200 hrs and 1300-1630 hrs, Eastern Standard Time, Monday-Friday (less statutory holidays)


12. Note that although the course site is accessible through the DWAN, there are several tools that do not function properly due to DWAN firewall.  Students must work directly from the Internet.

13.  Students without civilian Internet must contact the DL Support Coord, (613-541-5010 ext 2188, CSN 271-2188, email: in order to discuss installation protocols and authorisation NLT 3 weeks prior to start of the course.  CLFCSC will not pay for existing internet connections.

14. Once you have received your course package you will be expected to execute the following start up procedure: a. Log on using your DND Learn account.  If you do not recall this, contact the DL Helpline.  If you do not have a DNDLearn account, a new account will be created and an email will be sent to you.

b. The actual AOC course material will be accessible on the Internet when the College computer with the student password arrives at your location 10 - 14 Sep 2012.


15.  Students who feel they need additional foundation knowledge prior to participating on the AOC are encouraged to consult the AOC Recommended Pre-Course Reading Package available on the CLFCSC Website.

16.  Students will undertake a Threshold Knowledge Test (TKT) on the first day of Tutorial 1.  The test is multiple choice and will be administered via DND Learn. It is largely based on ATOC material and also includes some questions to test corps / branch specific knowledge.  A poor result on the TKT will not preclude students from continuing on Tutorial 1.


17. Students are reminded to adhere to CF regulations pertaining to the use of government computers, particularly DAOD 6001-1.  Every laptop is inspected by the LFDTS DInfo staff upon its return and violations of these regulations will result in an investigation and possible disciplinary/ administrative action being taking against the individual who was responsible for the laptop.  IAW DND regulations, you are not permitted to place personal software on CLFCSC computers, including the laptop sent to you for Tutorial 1.  Same regulations apply for the laptop provided for Tutorial 2 & 3.

18. Students are also reminded of their responsibility for the security of the laptops for which they have signed.  Both are attractive and easily portable items that will quickly disappear if left unattended.  Do not leave either piece of equipment unattended in a public area or non-secure office environment.  Use the lock provided to secure the laptop.


19. Immediately prior tutorials 2 & 3 (residency portion of the course), each student will complete the Battleview pre-course training in the designated Area Simulation Center.  Course loading message will indicate which of EDMONTON, PETAWAWA, VALCARTIER or GAGETOWN will be designated to support your course.  Those who are outside the geographical area of the bases that are designated will report to CLFCSC Kingston to receive the training, IAW the course loading message.   

20. During the Residency portion of the course each student will be provided with a laptop and access to shared laser-jet printers.  The computers will be connected to the College’s training network and will not access the Intranet or Internet.  There are a small number of DWAN and Internet machines on the College grounds that students may use to access external email systems.

21. As students will be driving DND-leased vehicles during the Residential Phase of the course you are required to bring a copy of your DND 404’s.

22. In addition to the dress and equipment mentioned in paras 104 (accommodation and messing) & 107 (Dress & Equipement) of the Student Handbook, students will have to bring ballistic eyewear, Tacvest and Bushcap for field visit and PD during the residency portion of the course. (amended 7 Jan 13)

23. Note:  House Hunting Trips are not authorised during the AOC.


Chapter 1 Student Handbook



1.   The Army Operations Course (AOC), the Command Team Course (CTC) and the Primary Reserve Army Operations Course (P Res AOC) are conducted at the Canadian Land Force Command and Staff College (CLFCSC).  The College is a unit of the Land Force Doctrine and Training System (LFDTS) and is supported by CFB Kingston.  These joining instructions apply to all courses conducted at CLFCSC.  Where requirements vary from the AOC, applicable details for the CTC and P Res AOC will be identified.

2.  CLFCSC is located within Fort Frontenac at 317 Ontario Street, Kingston, Ontario.  The location and layout of the Fort are shown at Annex A.


1.  Students coming on course at CLFCSC are to utilize the most economical means available.  Students who wish to travel via private motor vehicle (PMV) must submit a Request for PMV Travel Authority/Waiver of Financial Entitlements at Annex C.  This form is to be completed and faxed to the CLFCSC Finance for authorization at CSN 271-5944 or 613-541-5944 not later than 30 days prior to commencement of Tutorial 2 of the Residential Phase

2.  Students arriving by rail or bus must be ticketed to Kingston, Ontario and should take a local taxi from the railway station or bus terminal to Fort Frontenac.  The cost for taxi fare is approximately $20.00.

3.  For students arriving by PMV, parking spaces are available in the Normandy Hall parking lot.  Registration of PMVs is mandatory and the student parking tag, issued by the Guardroom, must be visible in the front windshield when parked on the premises.  Students will not park inside the walls of the Fort.

4.  Students arriving by commercial air at either Toronto or Ottawa are responsible to make their own transportation arrangements to the College using the most economical means.  Connecting flights and civilian bus service are available from both airports to Kingston.

5.  Where possible, the student should travel with his/her baggage to ensure required items are available when the course begins.  AOC students are authorized one piece of excess baggage for the trip to CLFCSC so that they can bring their Distributed Learning (DL) package and Mess Kit with them.  Only one piece of excess baggage is authorized for the return trip.

6.  Unaccompanied baggage, if authorized, is to be shipped through CMTT and addressed to the student at the College.  The College will not pay any baggage charges on behalf of the student and baggage will not be released until such charges are paid.  Prepaid baggage received in advance of the student’s arrival will be held by the Commissionaires in a secure room until the student claims it.

7.  If an officer’s baggage, shipped from outside Canada, is to precede him/her to Kingston, the baggage checks, bearing the officer’s name, are to be forwarded by registered mail to the Trg O CLFCSC.  It is the responsibility of the individual to clear bonded baggage through Customs; however, in exceptional cases, the Trg O will clear bonded baggage on receipt of a Short Form of Power of Attorney for Entry of Household and Personal Effects (CFAO 20-17, Annex E).

8.  In order to receive compensation for loss or damage, insurance must be obtained from the carrier or a declared value shown on shipping contract.

9.  Amendments to end-course travel arrangements will only be considered for operational or compassionate reasons.  Authority for changes to travel arrangements must be forthcoming from the officer’s parent unit who will also need to provide a fin code to pay for any additional expenses.  In the event of changes to return transportation, amendments may be made through the Fort Frontenac Orderly Room.


1.  Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) and Mode of Transport (MOT) must be forwarded to the Course Coord or Chief Clerk, CLFCSC Orderly Room in accordance with (IAW) CFAO 9-15, paragraph 12 at least 30 working days prior to course commencement.  Students who are given less than 21 days notice of their loading on a CLFCSC course are to provide this information within 48 hours of being so notified.

2.  Students shall report for the course no later than the evening prior to the course start date.  Room keys, ration cards and student packages [containing amongst other things a Personal Liability and Clearance Certificate (PLCC)] are to be picked up at the Guardroom.  Each student will have been pre-cleared through some sections including the Orderly Room and there is no need for the student to report to the Orderly Room on arrival except for inquiries or if requested to do so.  However, the PLCC must be presented at each issue point when obtaining or returning items (Training Support, Supply Section, etc.).


1.  Rations and quarters are provided at Fort Frontenac for all students.  In the case of an accommodation overflow the College will arrange for additional quarters in the most administratively efficient manner possible.

2.  Toiletries are not provided in CFB Kingston or Fort Frontenac quarters.  Towels and toiletries are an individual responsibility.

3.  Students are cautioned not to leave personal valuables unsecured.  Rooms should be locked when the occupant leaves and personal valuables should be secured in the filing cabinet located in each room.


1.  All officers will be on temporary duty (TD) for the part of each course that occurs at the College.

2.  The parent unit shall provide the member with a travel claim to cover the full period of the course and travel to and from the College.  The member may draw advances up to the maximum allowable (90 per cent) against this claim while at the College.  For P Res AOC students, see Article 106 following.

3.  Foreign students may wish to make arrangements prior to their arrival which will enable them to bank at a local bank or trust company.  The following is a list of banks and trust companies located close to Fort Frontenac:

  • a.  Bank of Montreal, 297 King Street East, 613-545-3005.
  • b.  Bank of Nova Scotia, 145 Princess Street, 613-542-2010.
  • c.  Royal Bank, 65 Princess Street, 613-549-2441.
  • d.  Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, 256 Bagot Street, 613-546-8000.


1.  Students will be employed on Class B Reserve Service for the duration of the course and for travelling time to and from Kingston IAW ADM Per directive 2/93.  All Cdn student pay and TD expenses will be paid by AITA.

2.  CLFCSC will not issue travel advances against students’ travel claims.  Students must obtain the travel advance to cover their trip to Kingston and return prior to leaving their parent unit.  Students must ensure that they have access to their personal finances (i.e., bank card) so that all debts or expenses can be paid prior to departure from the College.

3.  Students will submit their Travel Order and Claim (DND 99) for final payment upon return to their parent units.


1.  Students will bring the following IAW Canadian Forces dress instructions found in A-AD-265-000/AG-001.  Normal dress of the day is combat clothing.  The following types of dress are required by all students except as noted:

  • a.  DEU 1D (Ribbons) (not required for CTC); 1A (medals) for Remembrance Day.
  • b.  Mess Kit (not required for CTC).
  • c.  Combat clothing including rainwear.  (Flight suit is authorized for air/aviation personnel).
  • d.  Raincoat.
  • e.  Cold weather gear (depending on time of year).
  • f.  Civilian clothing.
  • g.  Sports dress, including sweatsuit, shorts and T-shirt, and non-marking gym shoes.
  • h.  Issue thermos (for field TEWTs).

2.  On arrival, students will sign for the following:

  • a.  laptop, peripherals and docking station;
  • b.  binoculars (if desired for TEWTs);
  • c.  protractor (if desired for TEWTs); and
  • d.  Silva compass (if desired for TEWTs).


The postal address for personal mail is:Rank, Name and InitialsCourse SerialCanadian Land Force Command and Staff CollegePO Box 17000 Station ForcesKingston, ON  K7K 7B4


1.  Students using Commercial Courier Services should give the following address as both delivery and pick-up point:NameFort Frontenac317 Ontario StreetKingston, ON  K7K 7B4613-541-5010, extension 58212.  For pick-up of personal material, the Mail Room supervisor will determine the cost in advance of the pick-up and the student will be responsible for providing the exact change prior to the Courier Service accepting the parcel.


1.  As service records are not forwarded to the College, there is no means of obtaining all of the required information on students except through the Personal History Form located on the CLFCSC website.  It is important that the form be completed accurately and completely either online (as explained in the course-loading message) or on paper (and faxed or e-mailed to the Course Coord).  Omissions could adversely affect administrative/training decisions concerning the student; hence a quick, complete and accurate return is required.  Second language profiles must be entered - state “nil” where none is held rather than leaving blank.

2.  If submitting a paper copy of the personal history form, it is to be sent to: CLFCSCCourse CoordCFB KingstonPO Box 17000 Station ForcesKingston, ON  K7K 7B4Via Fax:  613-541-4108Via e-mail:


All officers attending the AOC are to ensure that all necessary Personnel Evaluation Reports (PER) staff action and interviews have been completed prior to their arrival at the College.


1.  The CACSC Orderly Room will provide administrative assistance to the student.  The Orderly Room will not take any action requiring the decision, approval or authority of the student’s CO or any authority outside the College without first consulting with that authority.

2.  Leave prior to the course commencement and after the course-end date are the responsibility of the student to arrange with his/her parent unit.  Leave will only be granted during courses for compassionate reasons or for weekends (AOC only).


Students must have in their possession upon arrival at CLFCSC:

  • a.  a current ID card which will not expire during the course;
  • b.  an up-to-date security clearance;
  • c.  up-to-date identity discs; and
  • d.  valid DND 404’s to enable students to drive DND and rental vehicles while on course.


Students are reminded that retention of course material issued on a previous course to another student, whether of a restricted nature, or assessed/marked student solutions, is prohibited.  You should understand clearly that the use of any such material is not sanctioned and that the College’s position toward any contravention of this policy is one of zero-tolerance.  Any student found in possession of such material in any form, including electronic format, is subject to career administrative action and/or disciplinary action.