CACSC Primary Reserve Command Team Course


I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your new appointment.  The confidence the Army has placed in your abilities is pronounced and I am sure that you are up to the task.

I would also like to welcome you to the Primary Reserve Command Team Course (P Res CTC) 2013, which will be held at CLFCSC, 17 to 21 June 2013.  The P Res CTC is an important undertaking and I can assure you that commensurate effort has been placed into preparing what should be an insightful and rewarding course.  

During the five days, you will become fully immersed in a programme of activities that seeks to better prepare you for your command responsibilities.  An impressive array of quality guest speakers will provide much information based upon their wealth of experience.  I would ask that you take full advantage of their participation and engage them with questions and comments.  Although initially focused on commanding officers, the course has since been designed to meet many of the needs of new RSM.  As such, most activities are for the complete Command Team, but there are several breakout sessions as well.

Administrative instructions, a draft calendar, and other information about the course are available on the DIN: CLFCSC Army Online.

I believe you will find this course to be useful and professionally delivered and I look forward to meeting each of you on 17 June 2013.  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Course Director, Lieutenant-Colonel Roch Giguere at you have administrative inquiries, contact the Course Administration officer, Capt h. Tanguay at, CSN 271-5992 or (613) 541-5010 extension 5992.

Le commandant

Colonel R.D.K WalkerColonelCommandant


I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your appointment and to welcome you to the Primary Reserve Command Team Course (P Res CTC) 2013.  The aim of the course is to assist you in preparation for your command responsibilities.  As Course Director, allow me a few comments to clarify some administrative details.

For all designated Commanding Officers, as pre-course preparation, please have completed the CDS Guidance to Commanding Officers that you should have been issued shortly after receipt of your posting message.  If you have not as yet received it, it is available on the Canadian Defence Academy DIN website ( should also ensure that your Presiding Officer Certification remains valid. Although you may have already completed aspects of financial training, there are three specific packages that are mandated prior to assumption of command. The first is the Expenditure Management Course for delegated financial authority available at  This certification is valid for 3 years.  You must also complete training through the Canada School of Public Service in accordance with CANFORGEN 088/07  This is a course intended for all Lieutenant-Colonels and above and Majors in Commanding Officer positions. There is requirement to repeat the On-Line modules and test every five years.  Thirdly, you must complete the Contracting Certification Course in accordance with CANFORGEN 082-09  This is mandatory for all personnel having contracting authority and the certification is valid for three years. Note that completion of this training is not a pre-requisite to attendance of the course, but the sooner you complete it, the better. All CF personnel performing financial administration Act section 32 and 34 responsibilities are required to complete Green procurement training. ( Finally, although it is not required for the Command Team Course, I would like to draw your attention to the CLS direction concerning completion of the Land Force Command Physical Fitness Standard within the six months prior to assuming command in accordance with LFCO 24-02. ( )

As you will have noted in the administrative instruction and upon review of the calendar, the course comprises three components of how we fight, how we train, and how we govern.  The most important preparation you can do for the course, aside from completing the mandated training above, is a review of some of the keystone doctrine, and, most importantly the relatively recent Land Operations B-GL-300-001/FP-001 and Counter-Insurgency Operations B-GL-323-004/FP-003.  Another reference of significant value with which you should be familiar is Training For Land Operations B-GL-300-008/FP-001  Note also, the range of guest lecturers that will be available during the “how we govern” portion of the training. This provides a unique opportunity for candidates to pose questions they may have.

Finally, a few words on scheduling your arrival and departure. You should plan to arrive 16 June 2013 to permit you time to get settled and prepared for the course.  The course will not be complete until 1600 hrs 21 June 2013.  Please keep this in mind when scheduling your transportation itinerary.  There will be a Cmdt’s run at 0615 hrs 17 June 2013 to kick off the course in style. There will also be a Meet and Greet scheduled for the evening of 17 June 2013 in the Fort Frontenac Officers’ Mess in dress of the day (CADPAT).  There will be a course closing dinner on 20 June 2013 for which dress is jacket and tie or equivalent.  Timings will be found in your course packages on arrival.  You will not require Mess Kit or Service Dress as part of the course.

Please feel free to contact me at with any questions you may have regarding the course content.  For administrative inquiries, contact the Course Administration Officer Capt H. Tanguay, at (613) 541-5010 ext 5992.

Congratulations on your appointment!

Lieutenant colonel R. Giguere Lieutenant-Colonel, Course Director Command Team Course


Canadian Army Command and Staff CollegePO Box 17000 Station ForcesKingston ON K7K 7B4

4640-1 (D Res T3)

15 April 2013

Distribution List


References:A.  LFCO 24-23B.  CACSC DIN website  CACSC Army OnlineC.  CACSC Student HandbookD.  CANFORGEN 028/13

1. SITUATION.  In accordance with reference A, the CACSC will conduct the Primary Reserve Command Team Course 2013 (P Res CTC 13).  CO and RSM designates of all Reserve Force Army units will attend the course.

2. MISSION.  CACSC will conduct the P Res CTC 13 during the period 17 to 21 June 2013.


  • a. Concept of Operations.  The course comprises three components of how we fight, how we train, and how we govern.  The purpose of the course is to help prepare selected officers and non-commissioned members to perform as Commanding Officers and within Command Teams. Numerous guest speakers will provide the most current information on pertinent Land Warfare and personnel issues;
  • b. Directed Pre-Command Training for commanding Officers (CO).  IAW Ref D all CO’s attending P Res CTC will require the new CDWT trg prior to the start of the course.
  • c. Coordinating Instructions.
    • (1) Timings.
      • (a) 16 Jun 2013 - CO and RSM designates arrive CACSC Kingston NLT 2300 hrs;
      • (b) 17 Jun 2013 - P Res CTC 13 commences at 0615 hrs for the Cmdt’s run;
      • (c) 20 Jun 2013 - P Res CTC Closing Dinner (jacket and tie or equivalent), NO EXCEPTIONS; and
      • (d) 21 Jun 2013 - No later than 1700 hrs – P Res CTC 13 ends.
    • (2) Candidate Information.  As service records are not forwarded to the College, there is no means of obtaining all of the required information on members except through the Personal History Form located on the CACSC website. It is important that the form be completed accurately and completely either on-line (as explained in the course-loading message) or on paper (and faxed or e-mailed to the Course Coord). Omissions could adversely affect administrative/training decisions concerning the members; hence a quick, complete and accurate return is required. Password is    ;
    • (3) Personal History Forms are to be sent to:
    • (4) Personnel must forward Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) and Mode of Transport (MOT) messages to the CACSC Orderly Room, Chief Clerk. Members who are given less than 25 days notice of their loading on this course are to provide this information within 48 hours of being so notified; and
    • (5) Timetable. Available on the CACSC website or in the welcome package upon arrival.


  • a. CACSC DIN address: CACSC Army Online
  • b. Travel.
    • (1) The parent unit shall provide the member with a travel claim to cover the full period of the course and travel to and from the College; 
    • (2) The member may draw advances up to the maximum allowable limit against this claim while at the College;
    • (3) Travel by the most economical means is authorized. Students who wish to travel by PMV as passenger or driver in lieu of a commercial carrier must submit a request for PMV travel authority/waiver of financial entitlements form.  Class A students residing over 500KM from Kingston will not be authorised PMV. Class B students will only be authorised one days travel/pay for each trip and must provided an approved CF100 (leave pass).  The waiver must be completed and e-mailed to with members name and rank in subject header or fax to 613-541-5944 NLT 30 days prior to course start;
    • (4) P Res CTC Members shall report for the course no later than 2300 hrs the evening prior to the course start date.  Room keys and course packages are to be picked up at the Fort Frontenac Guardroom;
    • (5) Members arriving by commercial means must be ticketed to Kingston, Ontario, and should take a local taxi from the railway station or bus terminal to Fort Frontenac. The cost for taxi fare is approximately $20. If the Kingston airport is not available see Annex A for alternate ways of getting to Kingston. One way car rental with drop off fee will not be authorized under any circumstance; and
    • (6) For members arriving by PMV, parking spaces are available in the rear three rows of the Normandy Hall parking lot.  Registration of PMVs with the guardroom is mandatory and the candidate parking tag, issued by the Fort Frontenac Guardroom (Annex B), must be visible in the front windshield when parked on the premises. P Res CTC Members will not park inside the walls of Fort Frontenac.
  • c. Rations and Quarters (R&Q)
    • (1) R&Q in Fort Frontenac will be available for P Res CTC members;
    • (2) All members not residing in Kingston will be on TD while at the College;
    • (3) Members from the CFB Kingston area will not be provided with quarters;
    • (4) Members from the CFB Kingston area will be provided rations;
  • e. Towels.  Towels and soap are not provided.  This is an individual responsibility;
  • f. Additional Costs:  All pers are forewarned that they will have to pay;
    • (1) Part of the cost (approx $25-35) of the course formal dinner on Thursday 20 Jun, will be payable in advance of the dinner, as the supper meal ration allowance does not cover the entire cost of the meal;
    • (2) Members shall not be authorised to claim this dinner separately; and
    • (3) Morning and Afternoon coffee breaks will be served in the FFOM.  Members will pay approximately $10 at the beginning of the course to cover costs for coffee.
  • g. Finance: The fin code will be issued in the course-loading message;
  • h. Dress.  Dress of the day is CADPAT, all members must also have civilian clothing including jacket and tie and PT Gear suitable for a 5 km run in Kingston June weather;
  • i. Computers and DWAN Access.  Candidates will not be issued CACSC laptops. Candidate quarters are DWAN capable but you will need to bring your own DWAN laptop to access. There are several internet capable machines in the Fort Frontenac library; and
  • j. Miscellaneous.  Other administrative details such as mess facilities, hours and dress code, recreational facilities and map of Kingston and Fort Frontenac are available at reference C. Members are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the applicable chapters.


  • a. Course Director.  (613)541-5010, extension 5992.
  • b. Course Coord.  (613)541-5010, extension 5992.
  • c. Course Administrator  (613)541-5010, extension 5889.
  • d. CACSC Chief Clerk.  (613)541-5010, extension 8723.

//signed//For Commandant