Health & Safety

It is the responbility of the Canadian Forces Housing Agency (CFHA) to maintain DND homes to a standard that prevents health, safety or security issues for occupants. As an occupant, it is your responsibility to avoid damage to your house and grounds. Please inform us immediately of any damage incurred or maintenance issues.

Learn more about:

See also our sections on Indoor Air Quality and Fire Safety.

Firearms and Ammunition

If you own firearms and/or ammunition, you must report to the Military Police and/or local policing authority to get instructions on how these items need to be licensed and stored.

Hazardous Spills

If hazardous materials such as fuel oil, gasoline, pesticides or otherwise are spilled inside or outside the residence, the occurrence must be reported to us or, if outside of regular working hours, to the Emergency After-Hours Response Service (EAHRS) immediately so that proper precautions and/or remedial actions can be taken to minimize health and safety as well as environmental concerns.

Temporary Evacuation

Should circumstances (such as basement flooding, roof leaks, lack of heat, etc.) require you to temporarily leave your residence, please tell us first. We have contingency plans to deal with these problems, and if you do not alert us before leaving, your claims for alternate accommodation may not be approved. If the problem comes up after business hours, please call the EAHRS for assistance.