Rent Adjustments

The shelter charges (rent) for Department of National Defence (DND) housing must reflect local market values which ensure fairness and equity for Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) families regardless of whether they choose to live in the private sector or in DND housing. In fact, the greatest proportion possible of the rent money collected from occupants by the Canadian Forces Housing Agency (CFHA) goes back into the operation and maintenance of DND's housing portfolio.

DND housing is appraised by a third party. The appraisal is based on a number of factors, such as type, size, age, access to amenities, and general condition of the units.

Shelter charges are adjusted annually, and occupants are given three months’ notice of any changes. Each year, occupants are notified in writing by CFHA before December 31st of their shelter charge adjustment, which takes effect on April 1st.

Increase Limit

There are measures in place to ensure that CAF families living in DND housing will not experience a rent adjustment that is too large. Shelter charge increases are limited to $100 per month, regardless of the appraisal value.

Rent limited to 25% of Gross Family Income

Based on a Treasury Board Secretariat directive, a charge of up to 25% of gross household income for DND housing (excluding costs for parking, fuel and utilities) is considered acceptable. Where the shelter charge exceeds 25% of gross household income (including the Post Living Differential (PLD)), the occupant may apply with CFHA to have the rent reduced to the 25% limit. Applications for rent reduction must be submitted annually and provide the necessary details to substantiate the gross household income level. Please see Queen’s Regulations and Orders 4.1 for more information. In order to apply, please fill out the Calculation of Household Income form and submit it to your Housing Services Centre (HSC) for review.

Post Living Differential

CFHA does not account for regional differences in cost of living. Shelter charges are based purely on the third party assessment of factors, such as type, size, age, access to amenities, and general condition of the units. Matters pertaining to compensation and benefits of CAF members such as PLD are the responsibility of the Chief of Military Personnel (CMP). Questions on these topics are therefore to be redirected to the Director General Compensation and Benefit within CMP.

Third Party Appraisal Information

The local HSC can provide some of the analytical information used for the appraisals and information about the methodology that was used in the appraisal process. However, it is not possible to release specific details such as the addresses of comparable houses on the local market because this information is collected on a confidential basis and is protected by the Privacy Act.

We are committed to ensuring the integrity and transparency of the shelter charge-setting process. Contact your local HSC for more information.

Charges for Garages

Garage values, similar to the base shelter values (rent based fair local market value) for DND housing, are provided by the third party as a separate value whether the garage is attached, on-lot or located somewhere else on the Base/Wing. If the garage is attached to the house, on-lot or a row garage specifically assigned to the house, the garage value is added to the base shelter value of the house to create a single shelter charge for that specific housing unit (the occupant does not see the garage as a separate charge). The existence of this garage will be indicated in the description of the house. If a garage is not assigned to a specific dwelling (most common with row garages), then its allocation is on a first-come first-serve basis, and its cost appears as a separate charge added to the occupant’s shelter charge. This additional charge will appear as such on the member’s pay statement. For information about the availability of garages and to apply for a garage, please contact your local HSC.