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This CDLS(W) external portal delivers client service to the approximately 450 CF members and their families located throughout the United States is CDLS(W) Support Units mission.

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Contact the WebAdministrator via email with the following information - Name, Initials, Rank, SN, Work telephone number and Work Email address

CDLS(W) Duty Officer (After hrs)

CDLS(W) Chief Clerk (Day time contact)

CDLS(W) Medical Team (Day time contact)
MO 202-682-7772
SO Health Admin 202-682-7648
MedTech 202-448-6282
After hours contact the Duty Officer
This office Must be informed of any hospitalization of CF members.

If unable to reach the above personnel, call:
Commanding Officer 1-855-817-5009 (BB)
Deputy Commanding Officer 1-855-817-5011 (BB)
Formation Warrant Officer 1-855-817-5010 (BB)

Contact information for Insurance for Dependents
SunLife 1-888-757-7427
Mondial Assistance 1-800-363-1835
Great West Life 1-800-957-9777
Or TRICARE/local military facility for those eligible
Member Assistance Program 1-800-268-7708