Defence Ethics Programme

The Defence Ethics Programme (DEP) is a comprehensive values-based ethics programme put in place to meet the needs of the Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), at both the individual and the organizational levels.

The aim and primary focus of the DEP is to foster the practice of ethics in the workplace and in operations such that members of the CAF and employees of the DND will consistently perform their duties to the highest ethical standards.

Our Vision: To maintain ethical integrity by consistently applying the highest standards of values and ethics.

Our Mission: To guide DND and CAF personnel in choosing conduct that is consistently ethical.

Read the Terms of Reference

Conflict of Interest

A conflict of interest (COI) arises from an activity or situation that places a DND employee or a CAF member in a real, potential or apparent conflict between their private interests and their official duties and responsibilities.

The avoidance of COI is one of the primary means by which DND employees and CAF members maintain public confidence in the impartiality and objectivity of the Public Service and the CAF.

More information about Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment...

The DND and CF Code of Values and Ethics

The DND and CF Code of Values and Ethics sets a standard of expected behaviours for all personnel in the DND and the CF. The principles, values and expected behaviours it contains apply to the Department of National Defence and its employees and to the Canadian Forces and its members.

Read the full Code…

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why is there a new code of ethics for DND and the CF?
  • How will the new DND and CF Code affect the Defence Ethics Programme?
  • What changes will the new DND and CF Code bring about?
  • Isn’t the new code for DND redundant, since DND already had an effective ethics programme?
  • Why does the TB Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector not apply to CF members?
  • How will the Treasury Board Policy on Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment affect existing DND and CF regulations on these issues?
  • The new DND and CF Code on Values and Ethics contains a chapter on Disclosure of Wrongdoing. What does this mean for the CF and DND?
  • In truth, what are the actual affects of the DND and CF Code? Can sanctions be taken against someone who does not comply with the code’s ethical obligations?
  • How is DND implementing the new Treasury Board Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector?


To enhance integrity and accountability in the public sector generally, Parliament passed the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act (PSDPA), which came into force on 15 April 2007. As required by the PSDPA, Treasury Board established the Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector, which came into force on 2 April 2012. The Act also requires that DND establish an organizational code that applies to its public sector employees and is consistent with the TB code. Although the CF are excluded from the PSDPA definition of “public sector”, the Act requires that excluded organizations like the CF establish procedures for the disclosure of wrongdoings that are similar to those set out in the Act.

Compliant with DND and CF legal requirements, and in line with the belief that DND and the CF will benefit from a common ethical foundation that respects the unique mandates of each, the Deputy Minister and the Chief of Defence Staff have agreed to establish a joint DND and CF Code of Values and Ethics . This code reflects established ethical principles and values within the two cultures of the Defence team. For DND employees, it fully integrates and expands on the values and expected behaviours found in the Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector. For CF members, it reflects the values and ethics found in CF customs and practices and in the Queen’s Regulations and Orders and that constitute the Canadian military ethos described in Duty with Honour: the Profession of Arms in Canada. Pursuant to its governing Defence Administrative Order and Directive, DAOD 7023-0, the DND and CF Code of Values and Ethics is a binding directive applicable to all DND employees and is an order for all CF members.

The DND and CF Code of Values and Ethics is part of the Defence Ethics Programme, which has been operating since 1997. The Defence Ethics Programme will be updated to reflect the changes brought about by the Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector, the DND and CF Code of Values and Ethics, and the new TB Policy on Conflict of Interest. The three basic principles of the Defence Ethics Programme will not change with the new DND and CF Code. They remain: Respect the Dignity of All Persons; Serve Canada before Self; and, Obey and Support Lawful Authority (in that order of importance).

Statement of Defence Ethics

This statement of core ethical principles and obligations for the CF and DND was developed and adopted under the authority of the Chief of Defence Staff and the Deputy Minister. It is consistent with the Military Ethics and the Values and Ethics Code for the Public Service.

Read the full Statement of Defence Ethics…

Defence Integrity Framework

The Defence Integrity Framework identifies seven ethical processes that must be fully integrated within an ethics programme to make it comprehensive and effective.

Read the full Defence Integrity Framework…

Refer: Contact the Defence Ethics Programme

Defence Ethics Programme
Department of National Defence
Major-General George R. Pearkes Building
101 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1A 0K2
Facsimile: 613-992-5763
TTY/TDD: 1-800-467-9877