Addictions Awareness and Prevention

What is Addictions Awareness and Prevention?

Addictions Awareness and Prevention is a core component of the Strengthening the Forces Health Promotion programming. Its mandate is to promote a healthy, addiction free lifestyle within the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) community by developing and delivering effective primary interventions such as: providing education in personal skill development; developing an environment that is supportive of an addiction free lifestyle; and addressing organizational policies that do the same.

Addictions Awareness and Prevention programming is founded on evidence-based practices and adult learning principles. All educational material is designed for adults and is facilitated by experienced and highly knowledgeable health promotion delivery personnel on every base/wing. Alcohol, Other Drugs and Gambling Awareness provides up to date information on topics related to alcohol, other drugs and gambling. The Alcohol, Other Drugs and Gambling Awareness Supervisor Training prepares those in leadership positions to take an active role in the detection and management of alcohol misuse, drug abuse, gambling problems and to promote an addiction free environment in the workplace. During the month of November each year the Addictions Awareness Campaign  “Our forces know… I know… Do you know?” occurs on all bases/wings. This campaign aims to increase awareness of addiction, and challenges individuals’ knowledge related to alcohol, other drugs, and gambling. Participants will learn when to say “I’ve had enough”, when to step in, and when and how to ask for help.

If interested in quitting tobacco, Butt Out Tobacco Cessation initiatives are available. Butt Out uses a combination of behaviour modification, group support, best practices, and medications to help reduce nicotine withdrawal and increase cessation success.


Alcohol is one of the most commonly used drugs, with over 95% of CAF members consuming alcohol at least once in the past year. While the majority of individuals who drink, do so in moderation, alcohol use has been linked to many health and social concerns in our society. CAF alcohol policies outlines how some of these concerns are to be addressed in the CAF.

In an effort to reduce the harm associated with alcohol use the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA) has published the Canadian Low-Risk Drinking Guidelines to help healthy adults of legal drinking age make an informed decision about the amount of alcohol they choose to drink. Strengthening the Forces recommends these guidelines for CAF personnel who are not alcohol dependent. However, there are some people to whom these Guidelines do not apply.

Modules in Alcohol, Other Drugs and Gambling Awareness have been designed to increase knowledge and understanding of a variety of issues related to alcohol. For more information, contact your Base/Wing Health Promotion Office.

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Other Drugs

Because of the implications on operational readiness, safety of both members and the public, security, discipline, reliability, cohesion and morale, it is CAF policy that any unauthorized use or other illegal involvement with drugs by CAF members will not be tolerated. The Canadian Forces Drug Control Program has been established under QR&O, Chapter 20 as a comprehensive instrument to combat unauthorized use and other illegal involvement with drugs. The essential elements of the program are education, deterrence, detection, treatment and rehabilitation.

Modules in Alcohol, Other Drugs and Gambling Awareness will increase one’s knowledge and understanding of other drug issues. For more information, contact your Base/Wing Health Promotion Office.

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Historically, gambling was a social pastime that has been enjoyed throughout the ages. Archeologists have discovered evidence that people in Egypt, China, Japan, and Greece played games of chance with dice and other devices as far back as 2000 B.C.

For more than two decades, the gambling industry has experienced significant growth in most Canadian provinces. Today, in Canada, there are more than 80 permanent casinos, 87,000 gambling machines (slot machines and video lottery terminals), 33,000 lottery ticket centres, 250 racetracks and teletheatres, and 25,000 licenses to run various bingo, temporary casinos, raffles, pull tickets and other activities. There are also 2,500 Internet gambling sites. Online poker has over 400 websites and the numbers are growing daily.

For the majority of Canadians, gambling is a form of entertainment that has no negative impact. However, between 3 to 5% of Canadians develop gambling-related problems. Given that the CAF tends to reflect Canadian society, and that the availability of gambling has increased, there is concern that the problem may also affect our personnel. Therefore, CAF Gambling Policies outline how this issue is being addressed.

Modules in Alcohol, Other Drugs and Gambling Awareness will increase one’s knowledge and understanding of gambling issues. For more information, contact your Base/Wing Health Promotion Office.

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Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death in Canada. Tobacco presents an additional safety concern to CAF personnel as its use in combat zones can place soldiers and their units at risk and it has been shown to decrease military readiness. It has been found to impair athletic performance, to increase physical injuries during training and to result in illness and increased basic military training (BMT) failures. While tobacco rates are declining in the CAF according to the Health and Lifestyle Information Survey (HLIS) 2008/09; 23% of CAF members continue to use tobacco with 18% being daily and 5% being occasional users.

For CAF members wanting to quit tobacco support is available through the Butt Out Tobacco Cessation initiatives. For more information, contact your Base/Wing Health Promotion Office.

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