Nutritional Wellness

What is Nutritional Wellness?

Nutritional Wellness is a fundamental component of the Strengthening the Forces health promotion programming. Its mandate is the provision of expert advice and initiatives to promote nutritional health within the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) by developing and delivering effective primary interventions such as: education and personal skill development opportunities regarding healthy eating, performance nutrition and weight management; enhancing the food environment to increase the availability of nutritious choices to support healthy eating, weight management and chronic disease prevention; and addressing relevant organizational policies.

Why is nutritional wellness important?

Nutritional Wellness will improve and maximize your:

  • Overall health
  • Mental and physical performance
  • Quality of life

What do Nutritional Wellness activities offer?

Nutritional Wellness programming offers adult-based courses, campaigns and additional educational material to CAF personnel facilitated by experienced Health Promotion Delivery personnel on Bases and Wings across Canada. Services offered depend on location, time of year and yearly STF focus.


Top Fuel for Top Performance focuses on general nutrition and nutrition for optimal performance. It provides up–to-date and reliable nutrition information and tools to optimize health and physical and mental performance. Participants learn to choose the amount and type of fluid and food needed to provide adequate essential nutrients, reduce risk for disease and balance energy requirements according to activity requirements.

Weight Wellness Lifestyle Program provides strategies for safe, effective and permanent weight control. It has been designed to guide participants to make concrete commitments to achieve and/or maintain a healthy body weight through permanent lifestyle changes to behaviours regarding eating habits and activity patterns.


Set your Sights on Healthy Eating is a seasonal, point-of-choice visual and informative campaign offered in Canadian Armed Forces dining halls. It uses messaging on tables and in serving lines to encourage diners to make healthier choices.