Military Resilience Video Transcript

[Start of video]

[Fade in to Brigadier-General (BGen) Jonathan Vance, Former Task Force Commander in Afghanistan]

[BGen Vance, speaking to the camera:] The term military resilience applies to everyone, at all levels of warfare where one [New image: Soldiers moving in an operation zone, BGen Vance voice-over] has to have the personal capacity to face the most extreme circumstances that you can think of or be able to face the daily grind of operations and be able to continue.

[BGen Vance, speaking to the camera:] At the same time, military resiliency also applies to our longevity. You might be ah, have the capacity to keep fighting or [New image: Soldiers on military vehicles, BGen Vance voice-over] keep doing your job on your tour but we want you to be able to do your job on future tours.

[BGen Vance, speaking to the camera:] So military resilience applies to both the mission focus as well as to the warrior ethos and your longevity in the Armed Forces such that you can repeat that.

[End of video]

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