DAOD 7011-0, Service Estates and Personal Belongings


Date of Issue: 2007-11-21

Application: This DAOD is an order that applies to officers and non-commissioned members of the Canadian Forces ("CF members").

Supersession: CFAO 25-1, Service Estates and Personal Belongings

Approval Authority: Judge Advocate General (JAG)

Enquiries: JAG/Director of Estates or the nearest JAG representative


personal belongings (effets personnels)
has the same meaning as prescribed in QR&O article 25.16, Committee of Adjustments to Deal with Personal Belongings.
service estate (succession militaire)
has the same meaning as prescribed in subsection 42(2) of the National Defence Act.

Policy Direction


The term "next of kin" (NOK) normally means a person's spouse, common-law partner, child or parent.

Form CF 742, Personal Emergency Notification (PEN), permits a CF member to identify a primary and secondary NOK and also a personal emergency notification contact. However, the identification of a primary or secondary NOK or a personal emergency notification contact on the PEN form does not provide that person with any power or duty as an executor, liquidator of the succession or administrator for the purposes of the distribution of the estate of a deceased CF member or the disposition of the remains.

Policy Statement

The CF shall collect and safeguard:

The above actions shall not be taken in respect of any part of the service estate located in family living accommodation, or already in the care or custody of the NOK, the executor or the liquidator of the succession unless, in the opinion of the Director of Estates, the circumstances make such action necessary for their safekeeping.


A committee of adjustment shall be appointed within 48 hours of the death of a CF member.


Authority Table

The JAG has been appointed by the Minister of National Defence as the Director of Estates. The following table identifies the authorities responsible for implementing this DAOD:

The … has the authority to …

Estates Administration Officer

carry out the functions and duties in respect of service estates and personal belongings on behalf of the Director of Estates.

commanding officer

deviate from any provision of this DAOD or DAOD 7011-1, Responsibilities for Service Estates and Personal Belongings, if unusual circumstances make it necessary and communication with the Director of Estates is not practicable.


Source Reference

Related References