Royal Canadian Navy

The Royal Canadian Navy is a versatile, multipurpose and combat-capable force that protects our interests by safeguarding our maritime approaches, exercising sovereignty over our waters, protecting our offshore natural resources and contributing to global security.

The navy is composed of approximately 8,300 regular and 5,100 reserve sailors.

The commander of the navy is Vice-Admiral Paul Maddison. His title is Commander Royal Canadian Navy. Reporting to him are the Commander of Maritime Forces Atlantic, Rear-Admiral David Gardam; the Commander of Maritime Forces Pacific, Rear-Admiral William Truelove; and the Commander of the Naval Reserve, Commodore David W. Craig.

The Naval Reserve, headquartered in Québec City, is made up of 24 Naval Reserve Divisions (of up to 150-200 personnel each) located across Canada.

The Royal Canadian Navy fleet, roughly balanced between the Atlantic (Halifax, N.S.) and Pacific (Esquimalt, B.C.) coasts, has 33 destroyers, frigates, replenishment ships submarines and maritime coastal defence vessels, plus many more auxiliary and support vessels.

The ships of the fleet can deploy in a number of roles; as a uniquely Canadian response to a domestic or international need, or as part of a larger multinational deployment. Deployments can involve the insertion of one ship into a multinational force, or a large essentially self-sufficient task group of complementary ships, submarines and aircraft.

The navy has both domestic and international roles. At home, maritime defence and security is the navy’s first priority in ensuring that Canada’s maritime approaches are effectively monitored and protected. Canada also needs naval forces with the ability to act internationally – whenever and wherever issues arise that threaten our national interests.

The navy participates in joint Canada-U.S. and NATO exercises, and ships are deployed all over the world in support of the Canadian military and in conjunction with multinational deployments.

The many distinctive customs and traditions of the navy can sometimes make it seem like a very unique world - and it is! In Canada, more than 100 years of naval history enrich the lives of today’s sailors, reflecting a proud past, but also enabling an exciting present.