Request a Personal Access Code

This service allows you to request a personal access code (PAC). Once you have made your PAC request, we will mail it to you at the address we have on file.

You need your PAC when you register for My Service Canada Account. The PAC is your key to accessing secure online services - please keep it safe and do not share it with anyone.

If you have questions related to My Service Canada Account or Old Age Security and Canada Pension Plan online services, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions.

To obtain a personal access code (PAC), you must:

  • provide your social insurance number, first name, last name, date of birth, and your mother's last name at birth;
  • provide your postal code if you are a Canadian resident or your country of residence if you are a foreign resident; and
  • use a computer that meets our minimum computer requirements.

Security Warning: If you are using this service on a shared computer in a public area (i.e. public kiosk or library), do not leave the computer unattended while accessing this service. Before leaving the computer, it is also important that you fully log out of the application, clear your browser's cache and close down your browser. These precautions will ensure that no one else can access any personal information you may have entered.


  • If a registered trustee, guardian or other legal representative is taking care of your financial affairs, that person is not authorized to use this service on your behalf. Your representative can make transactions on your behalf by mail, telephone or in-person.
  • If we do not have an address on record for you, you will not be authorized to request a personal access code. Once you have updated your information with us, you will be able to request your personal access code online.
  • If our records indicate that your personal access code is disabled, you will not be authorized to request a new personal access code online. In order to access our online services you must contact us to obtain a new personal access code by telephone and one will be mailed to you within 5 to 10 business days.

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