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PM delivers remarks in Miramichi, NB

9 August 2013
Miramichi, New Brunswick
Thank you very much.

Thank you for that very warm Miramichi welcome.

First of all, I want to greet all of my colleagues who are here today, and not just Tilly.

Great to have all of you.

Welcome again.

Great to see the Premier, the mayor, representatives of all levels of government.

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s always a pleasure for me to be back here in New Brunswick, especially here in Miramichi for the third time at the mouth of one of the most magnificent river systems in the world.

And a place that will be - I remember my last time here - a place that is going to be the home for many decades to come of one of the most important operations of the federal government, that is the pay and benefits system.

Be here nationally.

And I’m pleased to hear that it is slowly ramping up one step at a time.

And, my friends, in this regard, I don’t think I have to remind you - just to repay some comments to Tilly that there is no stronger advocate for this region.

Indeed, when I talk about announcements like that, I think it is safe to say there has never been a more effective advocate for this region than your current Member of Parliament, Tilly O’Neill Gordon.

So thank you, Tilly, for all the work you do.

Friends, Miramichi is a model for communities across Canada.

It’s a city that can draw on a long history of resourcefulness and resilience when facing difficult economic challenges.

It’s a city of hardworking people who embrace change and know how to work together: Irish, French, English, First Nations, to name only a few, working together to sustain a vibrant community life, and to create a bright future for your children.

These shared values, friends, family, community, hard work, have a deep history across this area and across this province.

And while I cannot claim to be from New Brunswick myself, as you know, I have deep roots here, and a special affection for this part of the country.

Generations of Harpers called this province home.

In fact, many of our greatest family stories are set here, starting with Christopher Harper, who settled at Fort Cumberland in 1774, as family lore would have it, attracted here by the lower taxes.

So I guess we Harpers haven’t really changed.

Indeed, our Government has worked hard to lower taxes and keep them down.

Our business tax rates are now the lowest in the G-7, and hardworking Canadian families pay over $3000 less in federal taxes each and every year than they did before we took office.

But lower taxes is only one component of our Economic Action Plan.

We have also worked very hard to improve Canada’s national infrastructure.

In fact, we have created the largest long-term infrastructure program in this country’s history.

These projects have already created jobs and growth in communities from coast to coast to coast.

We have built the roads, bridges, and wharves that hardworking Canadians rely upon to thrive and to prosper.

In this regard, our Government understands that fishing is fundamental to the wellbeing of hundreds of thousands of people in Canada, and the boats that leave from harbours all over this country add hundreds of millions of dollars to our economy each year.

We know that Canadian fishermen and women are vital to the prosperity of their communities, communities just like this one.

That’s why today I’m very pleased to announce a significant new investment in small craft harbours here in New Brunswick and right across Canada.

Here in New Brunswick, we’ll invest in 18 projects in places such as Black River and Seal Cove, from Stewartown to St-Édouard-de-Kent.

All along the New Brunswick coast, indeed all across the country harbours and channels will be dredged, wharves will be built, and shorelines will be protected.

As you know, there’s an old inspirational saying urging people to sail away from the safe harbour while to earn their living and to feed other Canadians; that is, of course, what Canadian mariners do all the time.

And in return, our Government is committed to ensuring that when they come home, they find their harbours well kept and safe.

That’s because just like the people of New Brunswick, we understand how vital small craft harbours are to jobs, growth, and long-term prosperity for all Canadians from coast to coast to coast.

Once again, thank you for your welcome.

Thank you very much.

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