Boosting the Deer Lake economy with a longer airport runway

Photo – with loads of crushed stone in the foreground, workers install a membrane over dirt.

Workers level and install a waterproof membrane before spreading the first course of crushed rock.

Photo – Dump trucks drop loads of crushed stone which is spread by a bulldozer and then compacted.

Additional layers of more finely crushed stone are laid over the initial course.

Photo – smoothed layers of gravel cover the route of the runway, with a dump truck and bulldozer visible.

Each progressive layer of stone is levelled and compacted.

Photo – A pavement roller compacts the  fresh layer of asphalt being laid by work crews

Layers of asphalt complete the process of forming the new runway.

Photo – A row of orange lights identifies the end of the extended runway to pilots.

Safety and runway marking equipment is installed.

Photo – view from the control tower of an airplane taking off from the runway.

A regional jet takes off from the completed runway.

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