Public Consultations Activities

For more information on NRCan’s consultations, e-mail

Building Energy Retrofit Guideline

Purpose: To receive stakeholder feedback on proposed strategy and framework for an energy retrofit guideline to be developed.

Target Audience: Building stakeholders: building owners and operators, service providers, building associations, utilities, municipal/provincial/territorial organizations.

Intended Outcome: Stakeholder input is to provide direction on the future development of the energy retrofit guide. The intended outcome of the energy retrofit guide is to encourage and assist the building community to engage in a greater number of energy retrofit projects, and consider opportunities to expand the scope of any renovation project to include energy efficiency.

Time Frame: March 2013 to May 2013.

For further information, and to participate, please contact Mark Newman at:


Metric to identify High Performance New Building Design on the Path Toward Net-Zero

Purpose: To solicit expert advice on the most appropriate metric that could be used to identify those building designs that are on the path toward Net-Zero energy consumption.

Target Audience: Engineers, architects, key associations, utilities, building owners.

Intended Outcome: Selection of a clear and transparent metric that could be used in various programming, by the federal government and other jurisdictions / organizations.

Time Frame: June-October 2013.


Webinar consultation on barriers to the adoption of green mining technologies

Purpose: To receive feedback on a proposed path forward to address barriers to the adoption of new mining technologies.

Target Audience: Mining stakeholders (regulators, Government, industry, academia, research organizations, NGOs, Aboriginal groups).

Intended Outcome: Develop a plan for the next steps, and recommendations for Energy and Mines Ministers Conference.

Time Frame: Early April 2013.

Outcome: Webinar on Green Mining


Single Window Initiative (SWI)

Purpose: The SWI aims to ensure that all explosives importers have the opportunity to provide input in the development and design of the project and have a clear understanding of how SWI can be delivered.

Target Audience:  Canadian Explosives Association (CEAEC), the Canadian Association of Geophysical Contractors (CAGC), the Petroleum Services Association of Canada (PSAC) and the Canadian Pyrotechnics Council (CPC).

Intended outcome:  The way trade and participating government Departments and Agencies interact and do business at the border is more efficient.

Time Frame: November 2013 – November 2014.


Strategic Framework for Geospatial Standards

Purpose: To facilitate the development of a strategy and roadmap for geospatial standards in support of the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure, including background analysis and guidance for the GeoConnections program.

Target Audience: An advisory committee will be established including stakeholders representing federal and provincial governments, industry, and organizations involved in standards for geospatial interoperability as well as users and developers involved in the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure.

Intended Outcome: To ensure a strategic framework based on sound requirements analysis and stakeholder input.

Time Frame: The project to develop the strategic framework will take place between December 2012 and June 2013.


Pan-Canadian Geomatics Strategy

Purpose: To collectively develop a vision and strategy for the Canadian geomatics and Earth observations community which will provide an overarching frame and rallying point for collaboration and alignment of geomatics and Earth observations initiatives across Canada's geomatics and Earth observation sector.

Target Audience: Members of the Canadian Geomatics Community Round Table (FPT, industry, academia, NGOs, professional associations) and other traditional and non-traditional geomatics and Earth Observations stakeholders.

Intended Outcome: A multi-stakeholder declaration underscoring commitment by stakeholders to shared principles and actions defined within a community strategy.

Time Frame: Consultation will take place over the next 12-18 months, with periodic face to face meetings. The next meeting of the Round Table is anticipated for the end of October 2013.


Port Hope Area Initiative - Property Value Protection Program – Assessing the Past, Providing for the Future

Purpose: To create opportunity for municipalities and public/stakeholders to provide views and experience on the Property Value Protection program which is designed to compensate home-owners of real estate in Port Hope and Clarington for financial losses as a result of the removal of low-level radioactive waste during the Port Hope Area Initiative.

Target Audience: Elected officials and administration of the municipalities of Port Hope and Clarington and the public/stakeholders within these municipalities.

Intended Outcome: To build relationships, demonstrate transparency, improve decision-making and better understanding of how to move forward with the Property Value Protection program as the Port Hope Area Initiative begins the removal of radioactive waste in the affected areas.

Time Frame: Fiscal year 2012-2013.

For further information, and to participate, please visit:

Outcome: Consultations completed and results pending.


Engage communities and agencies within territorial governments in proposed activities and achievements in Climate Change Geoscience program

Purpose: To present and discuss proposed program activities and achievements.

Target Audience: Northern infrastructure owners and managers and northern communities and government.

Intended Outcome: To inform decision makers and infrastructure managers in reducing risk to infrastructure vulnerability.

Time Frame: Throughout 2013-14.


Natural Gas Roadmap Implementation Committee

Purpose: To facilitate the implementation of recommendations contained in the Natural Gas Use in the Canadian Transportation Sector Deployment Roadmap, including the education and outreach activities and the work on codes and standards.

Target Audience: Members of the Implementation Committee include stakeholders from other federal and provincial governments, industry representing the natural gas vehicle value chain, and industry associations.

Intended Outcome: To ensure successful implementation of the recommendations.

Time Frame: The Implementation Committee is meeting on a quarterly basis. The Implementation Committee meeting was scheduled for January 2013.

Outcome: Consultations completed and results pending.


Energy Efficient Tire Recognition Initiative

Purpose: Development of a recognition system for energy efficient tires to guide consumers in making informed choices about fuel-efficient tires.

Target Audience: Consumers and consumer organizations (automotive and consumer products).

Intended Outcome: Preliminary identification of issues, concerns and information requirements by consumers and consumer organizations.

Time Frame:  April 2013 - December 2013.


EnerGuide Rating System Standing Committee

Purpose:  Ongoing collaboration with stakeholders in administering the EnerGuide Rating System through a Standard Council of Canada based process via a committee of experts from across Canada.

Target Audience: EnerGuide rating system stakeholders across Canada: provincial organizations, utilities, builders, energy professionals, manufacturers, consumer representatives, other general interest groups.

Intended Outcome: Up-to-date EnerGuide Rating System.

Time Frame: Current Policy Advisory Committee to be transitioned to Standing Committee in September 2013.

For further information, please visit:


R-2000 and ENERGY STAR for New Homes Standing Committee

Purpose:  Ongoing collaboration with stakeholders in administering the R-2000 and ENERGY STAR for New Homes standards through a Standard Council of Canada based process via a committee of technical experts from across Canada.

Target Audience:  R-2000 and ENERGY STAR for New Homes stakeholders across Canada (e.g. Service Organizations, builders, energy advisory, utilities, manufacturers/suppliers, provincial/territorial organizations).

Intended Outcome: Up-to-date standards.

Time Frame: R-2000 and ENERGY STAR next generation committees to be transitioned to Standing Committee in September 2013.

For further information, please visit:


National Advisory Council on Energy Efficiency

Purpose: The Council provides a forum for the Office of Energy Efficiency to solicit expert advice on energy efficiency and alternative fuels policies and programs from a national, multi-sectoral group representative of the Office’s client and stakeholder base.

Target Audience: The Council is comprised of energy efficiency experts and leaders from utilities, government, industry, academia, non-government organizations.

Intended Outcome: Validation/refinement of program management and strategic direction. Face-to-face meetings are used to solicit input on new program design, measurement and reporting, business planning, policy studies and program management and delivery issues.  Meetings also provide advice on overall strategic direction and provide fora to learn of new developments and increase community connections.

Time Frame: Consultations are tentatively planned to take place in mid-June 2013 (part of regular, semi-annual consultations).


Revision to the Bulk Guideline for Commercial Explosives

Purpose: To inform and consult on the proposed changes to the Bulk Guideline for Commercial Explosives.

Target Audience: Canadian Explosives Association (CEAEC)

Intended Outcome: Guideline document for the issuance of manufacturer licences.

Time Frame: May 1, 2012 – December 1, 2013


New Automobile Fuel Consumption Labels

Purpose: To obtain stakeholder comments on proposal to update the Canadian fuel consumption label.

Target Audience: Automobile manufacturers, dealers and associations, consumer advocacy groups, non-governmental environmental organizations, other government departments and levels of government, and the public.

Intended Outcome: Stakeholder input to guide label development.

Time Frame: February 22, 2013 - March 22, 2013, with additional opportunities to follow.

For further information, and to participate, please visit:

Outcome: Consultations completed and results pending.


Brown Spruce Longhorn Beetle Steering Committee

Purpose: Stakeholder’s forum for investigating ways of slowing the spread of brown spruce longhorn beetle in Nova Scotia.

Target Audience: Canadian Food Inspection Agency; New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources; Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources; Forestry Industry representatives, and woodlot owners.

Intended Outcome: To minimize loss and damage from brown spruce longhorn beetle where it occurs.

Time Frame: On-going


Portfolio Manager Benchmarking Program Engagement Strategy

Purpose: To consult/engage key building sector opinion leaders and stakeholders regarding the roll-out of the Canadian adapted version of the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Building Benchmarking tool (Portfolio Manager) in 2013.

Target Audience: Key building sector opinion leaders and stakeholders, and utilities

Intended Outcome: Enhanced support and endorsement by key sector stakeholders of the tool, increased communication channels, etc.

Time Frame: Jan 2012 until roll-out of the tool in 2013


Development of a cooperative research delivery strategy between the fourth Targeted Geoscience Initiative (TGI-4) and the Canada Mining Innovation Council (CMIC)

Purpose: To develop a cooperative research delivery strategy between the Targeted Geoscience Initiative (TGI-4) and the Canadian Exploration Industry.

Target Audience: Stakeholders include representatives of exploration companies working in Canada and abroad (e.g. Canadian Mining Innovation Council – Exploration Innovation Consortium (CMIC-EIC), Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC), Mineralogical Association of Canada (MAC).

Intended Outcome: Most effective utilization of university and government research capacity to improve mineral exploration effectiveness.

Time Frame: January 21, 2011 and meets every six months for the duration of the program (the program ends on March 2015).


Geo-Mapping for Energy and Minerals (GEM) Program Consultation with Industry Stakeholders through Jurisdictional Technical Advisory Committees

Purpose: To receive industry perspective and feedback on the activities and outcomes of the program.

Target Audience: Industry stakeholders with exploration and mining interests, and northern communities and government.

  • Nunavut Mining Symposium (April, 2013)
  • Project Closure community knowledge mobile mobilization in two to three communities in the North. (Spring - Summer 2013)

Intended Outcome: GEM program outputs help guide investment decisions in the North.

Time Frame: April 2013 and ongoing.