Canada and the Holocaust

Canada and the Holocaust

The Holocaust is a crime that stands alone in human history for the scale of its horror and inhumanity. That is why it is crucial to ensure that this experience is never forgotten and that such atrocities never take place again.” – Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism

A Brief History of Canada and the Holocaust

While Canada did not directly experience the Holocaust, it was affected in many ways by the tragedy. Learn more about Canada’s history and response to the Holocaust.

2013: Canadian Chair Year

Canada and the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance

The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) is an intergovernmental body made up of government officials and experts from 31 countries. It supports Holocaust education, remembrance and research in member countries and around the world. Canada will chair the IHRA in 2013–2014.

Survivor Testimony

The Government is working with the community to find ways to preserve survivor testimony as an invaluable tool for Holocaust education. Learn more about the Canadian collections.

Canadian Holocaust Resources

Canada has invested significantly in Holocaust education, remembrance and research. Learn more about the Holocaust resources that are available to you.

Chair Year Initiatives

Award for Excellence in Holocaust Education

In conjunction with Canada’s Chair Year, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) will present a special Award for Excellence in Holocaust Education. This one-time award seeks to recognize excellence in Holocaust education, promote the application of pedagogical methods and teaching guidelines endorsed by the IHRA, and facilitate the sharing of innovative teaching ideas within Canada’s education community.

This contest is closed. A winner will be announced October 2013. Thanks to everyone who applied.


International Poster Competition

Canada invited Canadian students in Graphics, or Art and Design to compete with students from around the world in an International Poster Competition on the theme “Keeping the Memory Alive - Journeys through the Holocaust.” The winning posters will be unveiled on International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27, 2014.

Photo credits:

  • Based on Lieut. H. Gordon Aikman, Canada. Dept. of National Defence, Library and Archives Canada, accession number 1967-052 NPC, item 43534, PA-138238
  • The MS St. Louis, Courtesy Eiran Harris collection, Canadian Jewish Congress Charities Committee, National Archives