Funding, Financial Information and Reporting

AANDC regularly publishes financial reports in accordance with the government’s annual budget planning and resource allocation priorities. Reports on Plans and Priorities provide additional detail on each department and its programs primarily in terms of strategically oriented planning and results information. The Report on Annual Expenditures for Travel, Hospitality and Conferences provides information on the Department’s total annual expenditures for of travel, hospitality and conferences, as required by the Treasury Board Directive for the Management of Expenditures on Travel, Hospitality and Conferences.


Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) provides funding for programs, services and initiatives to First Nation, Inuit and Northern communities, governments and individuals as well as to Aboriginal and Métis organizations.

You can find out about total funding by AANDC per year in the annual Reports on Plans and Priorities and Departmental Performance Reports, or find more detailed information on specific types of funding:


The Government has made significant progress on Aboriginal issues in recent years, working with willing partners to achieve tangible results. AANDC continues to support northern Canadians in their efforts to improve social and economic well-being, to develop healthier, more sustainable communities and to participate more fully in Canada's political, social and economic development.

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